I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that relationships make the world go around. This statement is no different in regards to PPC. In fact, relationships can make or break a PPC engagement. Communication is the number one thing that can break down relationships in a hurry. Follow these 4 tips and you’ll be communicating like a pro in no time, making your relationships rock solid.
Communication Pre And Post Call
Preparing for calls with clients is as important as having the call. A pre call email with a report as well as an agenda is a way to make sure you have productive calls without awkward silences. It also allows your clients to get their thoughts together. After they receive the email, they will know what to expect and they can prepare accordingly. Below is an example of a pre call email.
A post call recap is also important. This ensures there wasn’t any miscommunication on the call. A list including action items that came out of the call and who is responsible for them should be the main focus of this email. An example looks something like this.
It is easy to get caught up in what you might write in these pre and post call emails. I find being brief and succinct is best. Providing too much information may lead to either long, drawn out calls full of tiny details or calls that are too short because all the information has already been provided.
A good way to make sure you don’t take too much time is to only allot 10 -15 minutes each for your pre and post call emails. Even 10-15 minutes seems like a long time but you will want to make sure you don’t leave anything out making these emails essential but not time-consuming.
Communication Between Calls
Bubble bath emails are a great way to communicate to the clients between calls. Bubble bath (BB for short) emails are exactly how they sound. They are emails that should make the client feel as good as being in a bubble bath after reading them. You can send a BB email to tell the client how well the newly launched campaign is doing. A BB email can inform them that you accomplished a task ahead of schedule. Providing these out of the ordinary emails help clients become more comfortable with what you are doing and happy about your relationship. You are taking time out of your busy week to provide them with positive information, just because.
Communication Between Calls – Part 2 (Or The 3rd Tip For Those Keeping Track)
Another great way to boost your relationship with clients is to send emails to congratulate them or share industry specific information. Setting up news alerts based on the client’s company name and/or industry is an effective way to receive the information for the emails.
For example, you see that your client’s company has been ranked number one in their industry or their industry is expecting double-digit growth this year. As you can see, these are positive items you can share with your clients to show them you pay attention to what is important for them. You become more of a trusted resource than someone who is focusing solely on PPC.
Timely Communication
Communication with clients isn’t just about sending emails but responding to emails in a timely manner. At Hanapin, our rule is to respond to emails within 24 hours. More times than not, we respond during the same business day. It is important to get back to a client as soon as possible. A lot can go through their mind in the time they are waiting for you to respond. We want all good thoughts and being responsive will set the positive vibe, so make sure to check your emails first thing in the morning and at a minimum at the end of the day.
I find the most optimal is morning, noon and before leaving the office. If the response is going to take some time or investigation, it’s OK to let the client know you have received the email and will get back to them in X amount of time. That buys you some time to get the info or put it in your schedule if you are working on a project you don’t want to stop.
Final Thoughts
Remember to put yourself in your client’s shoes and if you were them how you would like communication to occur. Most people like concise, timely information with a little acknowledgement that you care about their job, company and industry thrown in for good measure. Following the tips described in this post will help put a great communication plan in place. It’s up to you to follow through and take your communication skills to the next level.