What is the optimal length for your ad copy? Size matters - but it also depends on the intent level.
PPC Ad Copy 101: How to Write Compelling Ad Copy That Converts
Struggling to write compelling PPC ad copy? Then follow the simple steps listed here to create attention-grabbing ads and boost your conversions!
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Testing the Power of the YouTube Lead Form Extension
YouTube remains a strong platform and the lead form extensions make it all the more accessible. These are the exciting results of my recent lead form test.
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Enhance the Customer Journey Through Ad Copy
This blog covers several approaches to help enhance ad “real estate” and help personalize copy for customers in different phases of their journey.
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Beginner PPC Optimization Tips for Ecommerce Brands
Learn 10 easy optimization tips and tests for eCommerce brands just launching their first search campaigns.
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3 Ad Copy Considerations That Actually Make a Difference
This post covers three points you should never disregard when writing ad copy for paid media. These considerations are more important than small copy edits.
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Reduce Ad Copy Mistakes With Ad Content Calendars
By creating a content calendar to improve coordination with internal teams, you will improve the effectiveness of PPC campaigns.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Ad Testing
Times have changed and so has the sophistication of ad testing. Here's a list of things to take into consideration for your next ad test.
Ad Copy Tips For the COVID Era
Striking the right balance between promotional and socially conscious messaging is a challenge right now. Here are tips to consider.
PPC RSAs: Do They Live Up to The Hype?
Do responsive search ads (RSAs) live up to the expectations set for them when Google initially rolled them out in early 2018?
PPC In The Time Of COVID-19: You Asked, We Answered
Brainlab's Jeff Baum and Maris Rutkis took to the screen to answer marketers' questions on PPC and COVID-19. Here is a closer look at what marketers are asking and what the experts had to say.
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8 Common Reasons Your Google Ads Are Being Disapproved
Google is not only tightening up existing policies but also rolling out new policies that affect multiple industries. Here are common reasons for ad disapprovals, steps to fix them, and what to do if your disapproval reason doesn’t fall in...
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