You may be doing it wrong. Learn how to accurately compare Responsive Search Ad to Expanded Text Ad performance.
Perfect Targeting & Personal Messaging: The Dynamic Duo
If you are like most marketers, you have already spent hours in spreadsheets creating thousands of messaging variations to send to copywriters or designers. You have probably also thought to yourself; “this is going to catch the hook, line, and...
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Building a Simple Ad Creative Matrix Template
Ad Copy is your company or client's voice projecting out into the deep nothingness that is the internet. Using a Creative Matrix is one way to keep those voices organized!
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Set Up Creative Testing in Apple Search Ads
Learn how to set up creative ads sets in your Apple Search campaigns to make your app more relevant to potential app users.
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The Top 4 Google Ad Format Updates: Less Transparent Reports and More Options than Ever Before
A lot of updates are hitting us at once between ad formats and the frustration of limited-data reports, but we’re all in this together. Let’s do this!
Conventional Ad Testing Is Dead, Long-Live AI Testing
The realization that straight A/B ad testing is dying, is true, but we can easily find a new solution using the AI insights to make decisions.
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Facebook Split Testing 101
Explore an overview of Facebook's Split Testing tool: when to use it, how to set it up in the Ads Manager, and how to apply learnings from the results.
Life After A/B Ad Testing: A Retrospective
What have you been doing in the post-A/B testing world? In this post, I'll talk through how I have been managing and give a few tips on how to reduce the mental stress of writing new copy.
The Future of Ad Copy in an AI World
In this webinar, AdFury’s Christopher Hoover and Hanapin’s Lauren Rosner will discuss the hot topic of AI and what the future could look like when automation becomes more and more popular in our industry – the good, the bad, and...
Geographic Customizers: Feed & Ad Creation
Ever wondered how to get your ads to change based on location? Here is a simple walkthrough on building the ad customizer feed and writing the ads.
The Case For PPC Creative In Multiple Languages
For best results, international PPC efforts should include campaigns in both English and the local language.
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The Five Ad Creation Methods You Should Be Testing
Explore creative ad ideas to help bring your Ad Groups up to Google’s best practices of 5 ads per ad group.
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