Working at a PPC agency has provided me experience with clients ranging in tech-savviness and web development resources. It's not uncommon for tracking issues to develop, and it's not uncommon for me to be the one that has to sort...
6 Quick Metrics For Empowering The CMO
Account Managers don’t always see behind the curtain to the CMO controlling their budget and helping set their goals. But they can arm their contact/boss and the CMO of the client/company with metrics to help them set priorities, budgets and...
Google Grants Us Mobile Specific Value Tracking
We complained and Google listened. As the Enhanced Campaign migration is underway, the Googs have responded to our concerns about existing in a world of all-device campaigns. One solution they are bringing to the table involves parameters in the Value...
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Never Send A Bad PPC Report Again
PPC reports are not tasks. They are not something merely to be completed and sent along in the hopes that the client or boss is getting what he or she wants or even worse, sent hoping that he or she...
Stop What You’re Doing & Check These 10 Metrics Now!
All right, you don’t have to stop right this minute, but sometime in the next 24 hours. I promise this is going to be to you and your account’s benefit! Whether you’ve been in PPC account management for a few...
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3 No-duh PPC Tips That You Forget to Use
PPC is riddled with tips and best practices. Sometimes this means that some of the more simple tips get lost and forgotton. Here are 3 forecasting, reporting and optimization PPC tips that are no-brainers but we often forget to use....
Guide to URL Tagging and Tracking in Google Analytics
Over the years, we’ve written a lot of articles on a wide variety of topics related to PPC. Even though we post new content almost every day, there are some posts that seem to resonate more with our readers over...
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AdWords Graphs Are My Best Friend
A couple weeks ago I wrote an article about desired outcomes in PPC. A big idea behind that article is to know what you are doing and why you are doing. This is a follow-up to that and some advice...
Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Data Explained
As most of us are steeped in conversion tracking, either in the form of leads or ecommerce revenue, I thought it would be worth the time to take a look at the various types of data available in AdWords for...
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Using Top vs. Side Ad Segmentation To Make Bidding Decisions
As we reported yesterday, Google announced on Wednesday that you can now choose “Top vs. Side” as a reporting segmentation option within AdWords. Sure, that seems like interesting info, but why should I care? Not like I can tell Google...
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Google Voice and Adwords Combine
Many advertisers have run into this common problem—you can’t track the impact that your Adwords campaigns have on sales more than through the amount of clicks that your ads are getting
How to Troubleshoot Conversion Tracking Issues
We all know the importance of data but what is even more important is that the data you are tracking is correct. Your PPC success hinges on not only the numbers in your account but also that the numbers you...
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