Looking for the details to help you understand exactly what you’ll get at Hero Conf, whether you are attending in Brighton or San Diego? You’re in the right place.
Our attendees are mostly folks who spend their days in the PPC weeds. Nearly 60% are Account Managers, Account Analysts, Production Specialists or similar titles. They’re looking for specific, actionable information to implement right away. The remainder of our attendees are Marketing Manager, Director, C-Level or Founder titles, looking to find the strategy to drive their business forward.
The topics at Hero Conf were timely and relevant to the ever changing industry which I appreciated greatly. It made me feel excited for what’s to come next year.”
Christine Askew, Paid Media Team Lead, Workshop Digital
Need more information? We’re here to help. Catch us on chat or send an email to hey@roughagenda.com with any questions you have.