Organization in PPC is essential! Today our Heroview focused on just that: PPC account structure & organization. Cassie Allinger (@CassieAllinger), a Sr SEM Strategist at @dealerdotcom, pulled back the curtain on her organization and account structure techniques & showed us how it's done! Welcome to today’s Heroview, everyone! Real-time interviews featuring PPC experts … [Read more...] about Heroview – PPC Account Structure & Organization
Search Results for: account structure
PPC Account Structure: Build It & They Will Come
Welcome to the third article in our April Showers Bring May PPC Flowers series. Today we will dive into structure and the building blocks of a successful PPC account. You’ve seen Field of Dreams, right? “Build it, and they will come.” This can be a challenge when you are handed a new client’s PPC account and you may secretly wish for Kevin Costner to help you out. You have … [Read more...] about PPC Account Structure: Build It & They Will Come
Have Yourself A Merry Little Account Structure
Happy almost-holiday season, PPC Hero’s! For our second installment in the Jingle Your Bells All The Way To The Bank holiday PPC management series, I’m going to take you to the next step in your planning: account structure. Yesterday, Sarah helped you make your way through specialized keyword research for the holiday season, including which holidays to target, gift recipients … [Read more...] about Have Yourself A Merry Little Account Structure
Account Structure Set Up and Best Practices
Below is a break down of how PPC accounts are usually organized. They begin with campaigns, which are then broken down into ad groups. Each ad group has a specific, targeted set of keywords, and each ad group contains ad texts (preferably 2 or 3) that are relevant to the keywords in that ad group. If you are looking at your PPC account and wondering “How can I make it … [Read more...] about Account Structure Set Up and Best Practices
Upload Your Account Structure to adCenter Quickly and Easily
Creating a smart account structure helps keep your keywords organized, saves you time, and helps improve your quality scores with Google. If Google AdWords can see that your keywords are in highly targeted ad groups with well-written and highly targeted ad texts, you'll likely get a great quality score, which helps you rank higher in Google but pay less. Once you have … [Read more...] about Upload Your Account Structure to adCenter Quickly and Easily
How to Streamline and Optimize Your Account Structure
To create a winning account structure, once you have all of your keywords, break them out into "silos." Silos are specific categories that are highly targeted to a specific page on your site or category of your site. Once you have broken up your keywords into silos, break the keywords up even further according to the buying cycle. That is, group your keywords into ad … [Read more...] about How to Streamline and Optimize Your Account Structure
Discover How Carefully Planned PPC Account Structures Save Time when Running Reports and Managing Campaigns
Welcome to PPC Hero's newest blog series! All week we are going to discuss ways to save time when managing PPC campaigns. For today's topic, I'll be tackling how carefully planned PPC account structures save time not only for management but also for reporting, too. Honestly, account structure is one of my all-time favorite PPC subjects. It's like a puzzle, and I love seeing … [Read more...] about Discover How Carefully Planned PPC Account Structures Save Time when Running Reports and Managing Campaigns
Just in Case You Haven’t Heard Lately, PPC Account Structure is Still Important
Here at PPC Hero headquarters, we're in the throes of training a new employee. At the tippity-top of the training agenda, right next to Search Engines 101, is a lesson on PPC account structure. Around here, account structure optimization is really that important. While I drew my less than adequate flow charts on the white board, it occurred to me that there are many reasons … [Read more...] about Just in Case You Haven’t Heard Lately, PPC Account Structure is Still Important
A Poor PPC Account Structure Will Make Your Campaign Suffer
We frequently discuss PPC account structure and with good reason: your account structure can greatly affect the performance of your campaign. Honestly, I believe that account structure is one of the most important (if not the most important) elements of your PPC campaign. Recently, we acquired a new client who had been using another firm to manage their PPC. Our client hired … [Read more...] about A Poor PPC Account Structure Will Make Your Campaign Suffer
Are You Hurting Your Keywords’ Performance? Without a Great Account Structure You Just Might Be!
Now that you’ve completed your keyword research it’s time to put all of your hard work together into one very relevant and targeted pay-per-click account. As the last post in our series on keyword research, one must know that great keyword research is a critical part in starting up a new pay-per-click campaign, but how you group and organize all those keywords can be even … [Read more...] about Are You Hurting Your Keywords’ Performance? Without a Great Account Structure You Just Might Be!
How To Integrate Structured Snippets Into Your Account
You’ve probably heard by now that there’s a new ad extension in town – structured snippets. Perhaps you’ve had some time to experiment with them, or perhaps you haven’t. With it being an avenue for some additional real estate on Google’s search results pages, it’s certainly worth investigating. Below, I’ll walk you through structured snippets, explain what they are and how you … [Read more...] about How To Integrate Structured Snippets Into Your Account
Identify The Best Structure For Your PPC Account
Prior to setting up your PPC account, you must strategize what type of structure works best for management and the direction you and the company will take the account moving forward. So much work goes into keyword research, ad copy messaging, bidding strategies and more, but one of the most crucial decisions is identifying the best structure for your account. You should … [Read more...] about Identify The Best Structure For Your PPC Account