This is a test. I’m going to see if leaving out an introduction will lead you to read this entire article and come to understand why Conversion Rate Optimization is so important to utilize and just why we love it.
Complement to PPC
Hanapin is primarily a Paid Search agency. We focus on setting up campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads for our clients to serve their most perfect customer or consumer (or really anyone who will benefit from using their product or service). Because we have the ability to see specifically see what a person searches or what certain group or demographic they fall under, we can better utilize conversion rate optimization (CRO) for creating new landing pages or optimizing existing ones.
We’re data driven and like to use as much information as possible to make the most informed decisions. Using this data, we set up our ads so they’re specifically targeted to the consumer. To remain fluid, we set up and test the landing pages to maintain congruency throughout the entire process.

When we try to target certain users, we have resources that help us make the most informed decisions about our audience. Because we’re taking the time to target users, we want to make sure our landing pages are just as targeted. Make sure the consumer arrives at your landing page with no question of the ultimate goal, to remind them why they clicked on your ad, and what your company has to offer that’s unique and better than your competition.
User Behavior
Who is your most perfect consumer? Is there such a thing? There might not be a perfect version but there is an ideal version. You’re always going to run into outliers. However, with numerous tools on user behavior, it has become easier to figure out an ideal consumer. One of the first ways to measure behavior is by looking at how users perform their searches.
- Do they search by asking questions?
- Do they only use 2-3 main keywords?
- Or are they asking using full sentences?
Having this type of information might be one way to figure out how to best serve that consumer. First, with an ad responding to their question or an ad that finishes out the keywords they listed and second, with the landing page.
Now once they’ve reached the landing page, we can use heatmaps/eye tracking technology or set up conversion goals to measure activity. Do we need to move the form on the right hand side of the page rather than the left? Are visitors clicking on one button when they really want to click on the other? Just a couple of questions, of many, that can be generated using the tools and resources in our conversion optimization process.
Path from Start to Finish
With the use of Google Analytics, we’re able to view the conversion path of our visitors. This is especially helpful if there are numerous steps to the entire process. Setting up a funnel is a relatively simple way to analyze each step of the conversion process and then analyze it as a whole. There might be certain steps along the way where the majority of the users end up leaving the funnel. Was it when they were asked to enter their phone number? Or did they leave because of a lack of information on what they were signing up for? With the use of the funnel, we’re able to see at what point the process caused friction and forced the user to leave.

This path from start to finish really is another complement to PPC. As we discussed before, the ability to use the data we have access to can really influence and help us make the most informed CRO decisions. We’re fortunate enough to see what search terms lead to conversions and optimize from there. It’s just another reason we love CRO.
Transparency of Results
The fourth reason to absolutely love CRO (even though I’m sure I really don’t need to be explaining any of these as you already love CRO) is the transparency of the results. When you’re setting up your tests, you have the option of setting up a goal or event that would count as a conversion. For example, if you just want an email sign-up, set up your goal to count a conversion as anyone who clicks on the “Use My Email To Send Free Stuff” button. Now, compare that test against the old button (“Submit”) and see which one received more conversions. The great thing about having access to the results is relating that back to the rest of your ad copy or your website as it may have spoken better to your target audience.
To be clear, the transparent results can also help with the other marketing channels your business might utilize. If you know a certain color scheme works much better than your existing one, maybe it’s time to implement that across your entire site. With those other marketing channels, however, you may not have the same access as you do with CRO and PPC to better inform your client of their paid search success. You have a better understanding of what your best conversions are and what is most valuable to your client.
The last reason we love CRO is simply the community behind it. There are so many resources and other professionals willing to share successes and losses in their testing methods and results. I don’t think there’s ever an opportunity to say you can’t learn something new because of a lack of shared information. And this shared information is ever changing. With digital marketing in general, the industry keeps changing and evolving to better fit our audience. How are they shopping? What are they looking for in a new program? Those types of questions, among others, have to be addressed and worked into a new strategy. Take advantage of the unlimited resources and fall even more in love with CRO than before.
Just One Reason Why I Love CRO
There are certain things we each love about our job. Mine just happens to be Conversion Rate Optimization. The ability to measure user behavior and relate it back to paid search and other marketing channels is fascinating and ever changing. Before, when I would create flyers or design for a local billboard, I was never really able to see just what about those designs resonated with the audience and actually influenced them to make a decision. Now, having the ability to test new designs or layouts, I’m able to see just what about the change resulted in an action (positive or negative). It is just one of the many reasons, highlighted above, why I love CRO!