Last week we touched on the importance of search query reports to measure the value of branded campaigns. Today, we’re going to look at another important feature, search funnels.
Search Funnels
AdWords conversions are attributed using a last-click model of attribution. This means that the keyword that was last clicked is given credit for the conversion in AdWords. This model of attribution is misleading because many converters perform multiple searches prior to converting.
Here are detailed definitions of all attribution terms.
Assist clicks: The total number of clicks a keyword received minus the last click conversion.
Assist impressions: The total number of impressions a keyword received minus the impression that lead to a conversion.
Click assisted conversions: The total number of clicks before a conversion.
Impression assisted conversions: The total number of impressions before a conversion.
Click assisted conversion value: The monetary value of the conversions based on the clicks from a specific keyword.
Impression assisted conversion value: The monetary value of the conversions based on the impressions from a specific keyword.
Assist clicks/last clicks: The ratio of assist clicks divided by the total number of last clicks. If the number is greater than 1.0 then the keyword acts more as an assister to a last click.
Assist impressions/last clicks: The ratio of assisted impressions divided by the total of last clicks on this keyword. This number represents a searcher simply seeing the ads leading to more last clicks.
Assist click conversions/last click conversions: The ratio of assist clicks divided by the total number of last click conversions. If the number is greater than 1.0 then the keyword acts more as an assister to a last click conversions.
Assist impression conversions/last click conversion: This is the ratio of assisted impressions divided by the total of last click conversions on a specific keyword. This number represents that a searcher viewing the ads is leading to more last click conversions.
Read more in the full white paper – Easy Ways to Measure the Value of Branded Campaigns