Why have a whitepaper dedicated solely to education industry reporting? Isn’t all PPC reporting the same?
The basics are, but with education, you don’t just report on the usual KPI’s (spend, conversion, cost per conversion or clicks and impressions). You need to figure out if the money being spent is actually getting people in classroom seats, not just filling out a form. We will be presenting two types of reporting in this paper.
- Reporting to be shared with someone outside the account team
- Internal reporting to help develop tactics
In the education industry, it is all about the starts. Starts would be defined as students starting a class after the whole conversion process, but how many people filled out the lead form and then dropped out of the cycle? Enrolled in school and then dropped out of the cycle? Finally, how many people went through the whole conversion process and actually started at the school? The bottom line of what we really want to know is the percentage of conversions that actually become starts.
The breakdown is usually like this:
- % of leads that convert to enrollments
- % of enrollments that convert to starts
Once you hone in on a percentage, you can start reporting. This reporting will help you stay on top of, not only leads, but spend and cost per lead (CPL).
Students in seats at schools, or starts, are the biggest indicator of success in the education industry. Pulling reports that help with targeting by geographic location and device, help in making decisions to tweak campaigns. By reviewing the data gathered daily, weekly and monthly, you can be enlightened as to whether you are making an impact.