Fred Vallaeys

CEO and Cofounder at Optmyzr

Fred Vallaeys

Fred will be delivering the Keynote on Wednesday November 20:
Work Smarter, Not Harder: GPT and Automation Hacks for Modern Advertisers

Frederick (Fred) Vallaeys is the co-founder and CEO of Optmyzr, a leading PPC management software company.

As one of Google’s earliest employees, he pioneered PPC marketing as the first AdWords Evangelist.

Vallaeys has been recognized as an influential figure in digital marketing, earning accolades such as the SEM Contributor of the Year in 2018 and PPC Survey’s Most Influential PPC Expert in 2024.

He is also a sought-after speaker and author of notable books on PPC, including “Unlevel the Playing Field” and “Digital Marketing in an AI World.”

His innovations at Google include the development of Quality Score, Conversion Tracking, and the Google Ads Editor.

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