Paid media scholarship scheme

We know that certain groups of people are under-represented in the worlds of paid social and paid search so we’re excited to offer scholarship places at our training workshops and conferences.

We’re obviously a tad biased but we think that training and development are vital for search marketers. The world of paid media is always changing so it’s important to stay up to date on new technology and trends plus build up your knowledge of adjacent topics like UX and psychology.

Our training workshops cover a wide range of topics suitable for beginners through to experts. They’re run by specialists who really know what they’re talking about and get great feedback.

Scholarship places at our conferences and training workshops are free of charge and aim to give the opportunity to learn more about paid media to people from under-represented groups in our industry who wouldn’t be able to access it otherwise. We hope it will help open up the industry and routes to the top.

For example: people who are returning to work after a break (including maternity/parental/adoption leave), LGBTQ+ people, women, non-binary people, disabled people, people of colour, people who are unemployed or students. These categories aren’t exhaustive but hopefully give you an idea of who we’re trying to assist.

We’ve been working on making our events more accessible and inclusive so we are happy to chat about other ways we can accommodate your accessibility requirements.

Apply for a scholarship place

You just have to fill out a short application form to tell us a little about yourself.

Apply for a training workshop scholarship place.

Apply for a conference scholarship place.

Applications for both training and conference scholarships for November 2024’s US event close on September 23.

After applications close we review all applicants and contact everyone in the following week to let them know if they’ve been allocated a scholarship place.

We won’t share details of who has been allocated a scholarship place (though recipients are obviously welcome to do this) and recipients will get exactly the same (marvellous) experience on the day as everyone else. Those allocated a training ticket will also have full access to to the conference on Tuesday & Wednesday, while the conference scholarship will include just the conference.

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Are you eligible for a free Hero Conf conference scholarship ticket? Learn More