Whether your symbol be a gnawed piece of fruit or four wavy blocks, whether your browser be a compass or a circle that sort of looks like a Bop It Extreme, you can rest easy. You can now log into the adCenter interface and not worry about compatibility.
Last week, the angels at Microsoft heralded the arrival of adCenter’s new functionality with Chrome and Safari for both PC and Mac with a blog post instead of the traditional long weird angel horn. In addition to the big news (which seems like a nice gesture on the part of the long-time Mac rivals), the post seems to emphasize that Microsoft listens to user feedback.
How did they emphasize this, you ask? By repeating the same content twice in the post (the majority of the first paragraph is repeated verbatim in the second paragraph just to show how much they care about that paragraph), in addition to including two screenshots of the adCenter Feature Suggestion Forum with a big headline reading “How can we improve adCenter to create a better experience?” The bottom line: they’re listening. They’re listening to all of you!!!
Personally, I’ve used adCenter in Safari in a pinch from time to time, and aside from a pop up warning me that adCenter wasn’t compatible, I didn’t notice any issues with functionality. Were there any specific issues that any of you have had with the adCenter UI in Chrome or Safari? If you’re still having them, why not post them to the adCenter Feature Suggestion Forum? Someday YOU could end up as a screenshot. Microsoft adCenter cares that much about you.
Just a quick scan of the feature suggestion forum reveals that there’s a long way to go to solve everyone’s issues, but it’s nice to know that Microsoft is actively working toward making things better.