- What are your thoughts on the new Google Adwords Keyword Tool? Andrew Goodman from Traffick.com finds after much talk from disbelievers that he does think the Google tool provides good information on many different fronts.
- Get super selling copy writing skills from Marketing With Chris Imamshah. This copy can be used in your PPC ad text and landing pages to help increase quality traffic and conversions.
- New Word Butler keyword tool not quite up to par according to Stoney deGeyter from polepositionmarketing.com. Stoney mentions that he really likes the interface of the new tools, however it lacks relevant results.
- Ready to go global with your Yahoo Search Marketing campaign? Well, if you are, then Gordon Choi has some tips on getting your YSM ads into international markets.
- The adCenter blog wants to help you find your ads! If you’re new to adCenter and are unsure of why your ads aren’t being displayed on Live.com, this tutorial shares tips on why your ads may not be showing and how to ensure that they do!
- When talking about lead generation, there is all sorts of fun terminology. Qualified. Unqualified. Hot. Cold. Warming. Nurturing. The Post-Click Marketing blog has a great point this week: You can’t nurture leads if you don’t convert! In other words, don’t get ahead of yourself worrying about your sales process if you aren’t actually bringing leads through the door in the first place.
- Does your bidding strategy have a feedback loop? The Rimm-Kaufman blog posed this question and provides a list of different types of transaction feedback. “The ability to take information after the fact and fold it into the bidding algorithm can be the difference between success and futility in PPC advertising for these firms.”