The PPC Hero team launched our Landing Page Critique Podcast Series in July. We have reviewed a handful of landing pages/websites in order to help readers generate more conversions and revenue. We received an update from one of our landing page critique subjects and thought we’d share their results with everyone.
In August, the PPC Hero Team reviewed the landing for Video Game Price Guide, submitted by JJ Hendricks. The objective of this podcast was to generate leads for their video game price monitoring service (monthly service sign-up). With this in mind, click here to see their old landing page. And you can click here to listen to the podcast.
Some of the changes we suggested included:
- Creating a unique landing page for PPC.
- Strip the site navigation on the top of the page and left side of the page.
- Re-write the text so that the users are crystal clear as to who VGPG is and what they have to offer.
- Keep the message clear, concise and conversion-focused.
- Utilize one, single call-to-action.
- Write an attention-grabbing headline.
- Focus more on benefits within the headline and the body content.
Once you’ve reviewed the original landing page and listened to the podcast, you can check out JJ’s new landing page here. So, how has this landing page affected JJ’s PPC performance? Here is what he has to say:
“We ran the test for about a week and then stopped it because the new page was the clear winner. With about 250 visitors to the landing page, the new landing page converted at 14.5% vs 4.8% (conversions were people clicking to start the sign up process). That is a 402% increase in conversions!”
Yes, we can leap tall buildings in a single bound! This is great news from JJ. We are happy to help and hopefully he keeps tweaking his landing page and sees his performance enhance even further!
This should serve as a reminder to everyone that you need to continually review, update and optimize your landing pages. Even small changes can have a big impact on your performance.