Leave Hero Conf. feeling inspired, invigorated, and ready to return to the office with an abundance of ideas and tactics to implement to your work and team.
Continue Reading Here’s why you and your team should meet us at Hero Conf.
October 21, 2021 By Lynsey Jones
Leave Hero Conf. feeling inspired, invigorated, and ready to return to the office with an abundance of ideas and tactics to implement to your work and team.
Continue Reading Here’s why you and your team should meet us at Hero Conf.
February 22, 2021 By Lynsey Jones
February 10, 2021 By Lynsey Jones
We are welcoming speakers from LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft Advertising, 3Q Digital, Seer Interactive, and more to bring you the knowledge and expertise behind the professional development needed to stay ahead of the competition.
Continue Reading Catapult Your Workflow with 22 Expert-led Sessions
January 25, 2021 By Lynsey Jones
December 2, 2020 By Lynsey Jones
We’re committed to figuring out diversity. Our Diversity & Inclusion consultants recommended paying our speakers a stipend, and Hero Conf Austin, June 2-3, is where we’ll start! The stipend amount is still being determined, and the goal of the stipend...
Continue Reading Our Commitment to Diversity Begins with Paying Speakers
July 30, 2020 By Lynsey Jones
October 10, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
September 26, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
Even experts need additional training to stay ahead of the game in the fast-paced PPC industry. That's why we offer several advanced training sessions for the more seasoned digital marketer at Hero Conf.
September 19, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
September 12, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
Sometimes the work challenges you're facing need personalized attention tailored to your specific roadblocks - especially when it comes to Excel. Learn how you can get custom attention to solve your biggest Excel headaches.
September 5, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
August 22, 2019 By Lynsey Jones
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