Our next Hero Conf 2012 speaker transcript is from Andrew Goodman, where he talks about Bizarro Analytics. Don’t forget we will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed!
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Andrew: Anyway, I’ll get into it and hopefully all will become clear. So I’ve always felt a little, I put this tabletogether myself right, so it’s obviously true, I’ve always felt strange when I go to analytics conferences and listen to people talk about actionable analytics. There’s this suggestion that it’s better than being a slow kind of corporate, slow moving pre-digital kind of actor. Yet I’ve always felt like what we do is yet much more actionable even than that. It hit me that what makes it so special, what we do is in the feedback cycles, and I’ve felt this ever since I pretty much wrote the first book on this.
Like many things you take ideas, you’re reading about, Seth Godon had a great little bit of math, like the great synthesizer that he is. If you just do the math of a faster feedback cycle on a test, and multiple those feedback cycles against the competitor whose going twice as slow your profit is just racing ahead of the competition…