Beyond Google is another display tactic worth testing - Yahoo Gemini.
Keep Your Eyes Focused On Non-Google Opportunities
We all spend a lot time and money in Google AdWords, but big things are in the works for other platforms.
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Suggestions for Herding Multiple PPC Accounts
This week our blog series is taking a look at the most expensive “set it and forget it” mistakes, and I thought for my contribution, I’d tackle how you can be sure not to lose track of those accounts you’re...
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The 15 Ad Networks to Use Instead of AdWords
For a newer article on this topic visit: 10 Alternatives To Google And Facebook Ads For this month’s series, we’re providing a little bit of perspective on the hectic events of 2013. As we’ve left Enhanced Campaigns pretty well...
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Happy Birthday to Bing!
We wouldn’t be PPC Hero if we didn’t acknowledge the search engines whose exacting and popular technology makes all of this possible–and so we’re pleased as punch to wish our friends over at Bing a very happy birthday! It’s been...
Facebook’s New Conversion Tracking is Pretty Great
There is so much going on in the world of PPC lately that we’re spending an entire week introducing the changes and letting you know how to make the most of them. It goes beyond Google’s new “Enhanced Campaigns” feature...
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Going Beyond AdWords: How to Use Niche Ad Networks
Sites like Bing, Google, and even Facebook have done a great job making advertising available for everyone. There is huge potential in all three of them for profit, if done correctly. The big ad networks are nice because people recognize...
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PPC Myth Busting! Myth 4: adCenter Isn’t Worth My Time
So, this is a HUGE myth, because I hear it all the time and it’s just so unfounded. The biggest thing that busts this myth in adCenter is lower CPCs, which leads to lower costs per acquisitions if the conversion...
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Introduction to China’s Largest Search Engine: Baidu
Why Consider Using Baidu? Baidu is by far the most-used search engine in China and is ranked #5 in the world for traffic according to Alexa. Baidu states that over 90% of China’s Internet users use Baidu search and that...
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Get In the Zone: Amazon Product Ad Assist
Today’s post is the final installment in our Reach Expansion Final Four series. So far, we’ve covered expanding your online advertising efforts with Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn. But now it’s time to talk about Amazon Product Ads. Unlike the other...
LinkedIn…from Downtown!
The third bracket in our Reach Expansion Final Four is going to cover a new(er) player in the dance: LinkedIn. Just how beneficial is LinkedIn in the pay per click world? I would be lying if I said LinkedIn was...
Slam Dunk! In Your Face(book)!
Welcome to the second installment of our Reach Expansion Final Four series for March PPC Madness! Today’s bracket is all about Facebook. We all know and love it as the platform that keeps us socially viable and in the loop. ...