This is the first installment of our Reach Expansion Final Four series for this month. For the purpose of today’s post, we will discuss why you should consider utilizing Pinterest as a way to increase traffic and sales. Since its...
Reach Expansion Final Four
March is the month for brackets and more brackets on top of other brackets. I usually have 3 or 4 every year, myself. We’re running our second annual Search Marketing Madness competition on the blog this month, but we wanted...
Lead Gen Comes to LinkedIn
The crew at PPC Hero knows the trick to the PPC trade can sometimes lie in the use of 2nd and/or 3rd tier search engines. Why? Generally speaking, they’re already targeted in some way to your core audience and there’s...
How I Manage A PPC Account Without Google AdWords
This is the third installment of our How I Manage A _________ PPC Account series this week. Today I’ll be talking about how I manage a PPC account without Google AdWords. Why on earth would you choose not to run...
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Find Out Which Advertising Networks Our Readers Have Deemed Successful
Last month we ran a series on alternative methods of PPC advertisement and ended the week with a survey asking for your feedback. Well the results are in! We've compiled all of your answers to see which alternative advertising networks...
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What’s Your Opinion On Alternative Advertising Networks?
Throughout the week PPC Hero has provided you with information about the alternative advertising networks available for PPC. Now we want to hear from you! We want to find out if you have had good or bad experiences with these...
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Lower Your Cost Per Acquisition By Advertising On 7Search
This is part 3 of PPC Hero’s advertising expansion series, focusing on improving return on investment by advertising through multiple channels. Today we have a post written by one of our PPC Hero allies at 7Search, one of the first search...
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Bring More Visitors To Your Site By Advertising on eZanga
This is part 2 of PPC Hero’s advertising expansion series, focusing on improving return on investment by advertising through multiple channels. Today we have a post written by one of our PPC Hero allies at eZanga, the developer of one of...
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Why You Should Be Advertising With Adknowledge
This is part 1 of PPC Hero’s advertising expansion series, focusing on improving return on investment by advertising through multiple channels. Today we have a post written by one of our PPC Hero allies at Adknowledge, the 4th largest ad...
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Expand Your PPC Advertising Networks To Improve Return On Investment
Here at PPC Hero, we are focused on generating leads and traffic for our clients while continuing to improve return on investment. A major part of our strategy includes Google AdWords, as I’m sure is the case for most advertisers,...
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Comparison of Third Tier Engines
If you’re looking for an extra outlet, a little more bang for your buck, maybe you should look into third tier search engines. Although they don’t get as much traffic as the big three (soon-to-be two), they may be more...
Don’t forget about the Smaller Search Engines – 7Search
While the top three search engines account for over 90% of search traffic, there are hidden deals to be found on price per click hiding among the second tier search networks. One such network is 7Search. 7Search provides advertising for...
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