Seven tips for optimizing and the creation of video campaigns and video ads in AdWords YouTube advertising.
Do Your Campaigns Target “Search & Display Networks”?
Segmenting search and display campaigns is a basic best practice that we are taught as PPC fledglings. However, I am guilty of having a campaign or two that targets both “Search & Display Networks”. I can give you a list...
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8 Fixable Shortcomings That A PPC Audit Would Uncover
We’ve all been there: A new account comes across your desk and you get to spend the next few days digging in and finding all the flaws that you can then turn into “quick wins” for your team. But what...
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Sweat The Small Stuff: PPC Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making
Let’s face it, in the flurry of the tasks and strategy involved in PPC, we’ve all made mistakes, many of them avoidable (and some of them huge). That’s okay, PPC Hero is here to help you catch them before they...
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Stop Your Google Display Campaigns Going Off The Rails
This week our blog series is taking a look at the most expensive “set it and forget it” mistakes. To open up I’m going to focus on some common problems I see sneak into Display campaigns that aren’t regularly maintained. I’ll also show...
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Why You Should Hire An Agency to Manage Your PPC Accounts (Yes, You): New Whitepaper!
Obviously, there are several ways to build and manage your digital advertising accounts. Too often, advertisers see working with an ad agency as an either/or proposition: Either you build an in-house ad team, or you hire an external agency to...
Why You’re Looking at CTR All Wrong
A good click-through rate is one of the most fundamentally important parts of any paid search account. It’s the primary metric Google uses to judge us, determine our quality scores and set our cost-per-click (CPC) in the auction. However, loads...
8 PPC Tactics Not (Yet!) On Your Radar [Webinar Recording]
As Account Managers, you are constantly changing, rearranging, and editing your accounts. You are masters of organization, pro writers at ad copy, and ninjas at the bidding process. But sometimes, in the midst of all that awesomeness, its easy to...
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30 Ways to Jump Start Your PPC Spring-Cleaning: New Checklist!
Spring has finally arrived and after a very long winter, your PPC account could probably use some airing out. Just as your house may need a good cleaning, your AdWords account could likely use some sprucing up as well. You...
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Facebook & Ad Sets: The Beginning
Account structure is something that we always value in paid search. A good structure can make or break an account. How keywords, ad groups and campaigns are divided and set up are just as important as anything else that we...
Learn More About The Competition With New Features in Google’s Auction Insights
When it comes to competitor analysis, there is no such thing as too much information. During our monthly training day this month, we had a discussion about competitor analysis and how (most) clients show an interest in what their competitors...
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Making the Most of the Dimensions Tab in AdWords
A new year means a new start, if you haven’t been utilizing the dimensions tab to date you have been missing out! The dimensions tab provides you with the opportunity to do a lot of top level analysis, moving away...
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