Before you start any type of advertising, you should ask yourself, “What kind of results do I want for my ads?” While generally this is decided at the business level and part of the optimizations process, Facebook takes matters into...
Ad Copy: The Forgotten Ingredient of PPC Success
I find it amazing as pay per click professionals we spend so much time talking about account structure, keywords, and bidding, yet ad copy is treated as an afterthought. After all doesn’t Google Adwords and Bing Ads contain the word...
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Targeting Your Mispeeled Search Temrs
Misspellings and typos are part of this wonderful and mysterious world of technology in which we live. Hurriedly typing in a search query while simultaneously performing six other tasks or trying to get your huge thumbs to accurately convey your...
Engagement Ads: New Way For Getting Customers To Interact With Your Brand
Google has developed a new ad format called ‘Engagement Ads’. The purpose of these ads is to provide an interactive way for users to engage with your brand. Google recognizes that branding is a different marketing objective than direct response,...
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Shortcut To A Quick Holiday Ad Boost!
This month's series will be centered around helping you prepare your PPC accounts for the holidays. Even if you're not necessarily selling goods people would buy for gifts, you still need to know how to take advantage of the extra...
56 Days Till Christmas: A Quick Guide To Planning For The Holidays
We’ve seen the leaves changing, sweatshirts adorned with pumpkins, and so much candy everywhere we turn! While we enjoy the fall, that sneaky holiday season is right behind it! If you’ve not yet begun planning for how to manage your...
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Social Media PPC: Advertising vs. Content Marketing
I’ll admit it: I used to be the guy that always wanted to get one thing straight — there was Social Media, and there was advertising on social media platforms. It’s an important distinction because a banner ad on a...
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How to Raise CTR From The Dead
All accounts have their ups and downs. This week we’re all about how we troubleshoot the “downs,” offering the practical application of PPC know-how to solve major mysteries plaguing your account’s performance. Eric and Carrie have already given a few tips...
Case Study: How Spinning Out Mobile Ads Got 19% Higher CTRs
Last week I was fortunate to get to chat with Brad Geddes about all things ad testing during our #thinkPPC webinar. For those of you familiar with Brad’s work or who have seen him speak, you’ll know he has a...
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Taming the Beast: Ad Testing for Large Accounts [Webinar]
Ad testing is an ever-changing part of the life of a PPC Hero. For a complex subject like this, there’s always something new to learn, and to explore. It is helpful to know what to look for when comparing one...
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Motivating Customers With Your Facebook PPC
I’m always shocked at how often companies assume the existence of a really motivated and patient customer. They assume that customers coming to their Website from a mass media ad will diligently search through their drop navigation system, looking for...
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Why You Should Be Focusing on Qualified Traffic
You may place Facebook ads to your Website hoping to drive traffic, but let’s face it, you’re probably not really interested in traffic — you’re probably interested in sales! And that means traffic for traffic’s sake can be an expensive...
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