Would you like some extra cash? Do you have a website or blog, or at least an idea for one? Do you have time to commit to updating that site with content? If you answered “yes” to all of these...
A Guide to Google AdWords Settings
There are a lot of settings to choose from in your Google AdWords account, but how do you know which ones are best? Depending on your objectives, goals and approach you might find one combination works better than another but...
Combining Yahoo Interface Reports with the Desktop Tool for Bid Adjustments
The Issue: The keyword report from the interface gives you the average CPC, not your max CPC, and the desktop tool doesn’t show you the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that you will want to see to base your decisions on,...
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Staying Ahead Of Shifts In PPC Traffic
The exciting thing about search marketing is that people’s search behaviors are always changing; this can depend on the time of year, trends or new developments in the industry. But how do you stay ahead of these changes and more...
Using Search Funnels to Grow Your Adwords Account
What is the new search funnels feature? Search Funnels are a set of reports in Adwords that allow you to analyze ad impression and click behavior for campaigns, ad groups and keywords. So why is this important for advertisers? Adwords...
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36 Myths of PPC
Note: This post was authored by Amber, a prolific blogger at PPC Hero and one of our long-time PPC managers, who welcomed her gorgeous son Jacob on April 29th! Over the course of the past several years, many old PPC...
Coping With Trouble In Your PPC Account
You’ve diligently worked to create a well-organized, well-rounded PPC account with lots of tightly-themed keywords in your ad groups. You’ve written compelling ads with lots of benefits and a strong call-to-action. You figure you’ve set up your PPC account successfully...
Tracking Revenue and Cost In Adwords
Conversion Tracking in Google Adwords Google’s conversion tracking in Adwords allows you to take your account to the next level by providing you with ROI data that can help you more accurately identify both areas of success and opportunities. The...
Using URL Tracking Parameters To Get More Out Of Analytics
One of the challenges of working in an agency environment is that, while it helps get the work done, multiple people touch an account, and you run the risk of creating inconsistencies. When you need to know that your data...
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Integrating YouTube Promoted Vidoes Into Your PPC Accounts
I hate to admit it, but I probably spend more time surfing YouTube than I probably should. You know how it goes: A friend sends you a link to some funny or random video on YouTube, then you find another...
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How To Effectively Group PPC Keywords by Purchase Intent
Effective Keyword Grouping for Pay-Per Click One of the most underrated means of driving down your PPC costs and driving up the number of conversions you can generate through paid search is effectively grouping and segmenting your keywords. In this...
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Make Mobile Marketing Work For You
With the growth of mobile use, it’s no wonder mobile advertising is on the rise. According to Wikipedia, mobile advertising only constitutes “around 1% of global advertising spend”, but considering the fact that “mobile phones outnumber TV sets by over...