You may have noticed while getting your analytics on yesterday or today that Google Analytics has gotten a new look. Google’s announcement of the change states that they’ve made changes to pretty much everything, which has been confirmed by outside...
Every Little Thing We Do Is Magic! – PPC Love Wrap Up
Isn’t love a pain? We promised we would help you show some love to your PPC accounts with this month’s series and all the TLC advice has been delivered! Our topics covered increasing CTR, uploading negatives in a less-than-friendly Bing...
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Let’s Stay Together: Merging AdWords & Analytics Reporting
In today’s post, which is our third installment of this week’s PPC Love Series, I will be telling a tattered tale of heartbreak that has occurred over trying to use AdWords and Anlytics reporting separately for eCommerce clients. Fortunately this...
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Guide to URL Tagging and Tracking in Google Analytics
Over the years, we’ve written a lot of articles on a wide variety of topics related to PPC. Even though we post new content almost every day, there are some posts that seem to resonate more with our readers over...
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Analytics Regular Expression Characters
Regular expressions can seem like a foreign language, but once you know how they work you won't know how you ever used Google Analytics without them . This post will help you understand how each of the regular expressions function...
Google Analytics Real Time
With the new version of Google Analytics that was recently launched alongside Multi-channel funnels, Google also launched a new Beta called Real-Time. The launch was actually on September 29, and search marketers with access have done a great job of...
Google Analytics: Creating Deliberate Results from Random Metrics
Google Analytics provides a cornucopia of statistics. Some are the turkey and mash potatoes to your Thanksgiving dinner, and the others are the potluck sides that may go under-eaten. I’m calling these less utilized metrics “Random,” because they are statistics...
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New Google Analytics Interface Features
While I was at Pubcon a week ago I had the opportunity to talk to Ashish Vij from Google’s Analytics team. You can read about all of my adventures and lessons learned at Pubcon. Here are some of the cool things...
4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides answers to many questions that can increase PPC performance. But are you asking it the right questions? Here are 4 questions you should be asking Analytics, and what the answers tell you.
Google Analytics Cookie Infographic
Before I began working in PPC my favorite cookie was chocolate chip. Although I still find them incredibly delicious, these cookies don’t provide the insight of my new favorite type: the Google Analytics cookie. Analytics uses cookies to define user...
PPC Toolkit: Resources for Improving Your PPC Accounts
We here at PPC Hero love giving you, our readers, lots of resources to help you manage your accounts even better than you already do! And of course, we always appreciate your comments that help us become better managers as...
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Beyond The Click
If you haven’t checked out our article about “The 20 most expensive keywords in Google Adwords” you should really check it out. It goes over the top keywords in Google. The top 20 keywords are insurance, loans, mortgage, attorney, credit,...