With love in the air, we thought we’d share a few articles that have gotten a lot of love and attention from our favorite PPC Hero readers, you! Here are just a few of the recent blog posts you loved!...
Leads, Be Mine: How to Romance Your Target Audience
Valentine’s Day is approaching, love is in the air, and everyone is looking for new and old ways to make a lasting connection with the people they care about. For marketers, that means producing compelling, highly relevant messages that resonate...
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PPC Roundtable: What’s Your Anti-Wishlist?
Every once in a while here at PPC Hero, we like to ask big questions. Questions so big they have numerous answers. And then our writing staff gets together and each offers their own thoughts and perspectives on the answer...
Labels In The AdWords Editor! Is It But A Dream?
For January’s series post we are taking a look at our PPC wishlists. What tools do we all wish we had available to make our lives that much easier? Where do our chief frustrations stem from and what band-aid solutions...
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Targeting Your Mispeeled Search Temrs
Misspellings and typos are part of this wonderful and mysterious world of technology in which we live. Hurriedly typing in a search query while simultaneously performing six other tasks or trying to get your huge thumbs to accurately convey your...
A Perfect Account Structure: Fact or Unicorn?
Here at Hanapin, we’re always trying to find the best way to do things. If there’s a method that generates the best results, we’ll call it a best practice and teach it to all the Account Managers as the best...
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A PPC Marketer’s New Year’s Resolution [NEW WEBINAR]
Behind every struggling AdWords account is a PPC marketer with a list of bad habits. With the new year approaching, now’s the time to start fresh and commit to a year of better marketing! No more vague broad match keywords, overlooked...
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A Quick-Start Guide to Twitter Ads [WEBINAR RECORDING]
In the full recording of this week's webinar, hear Carrie Albright of Hanapin Marketing, John Lee of Clix Marketing and Alicia Antoniolli of 3Q Digital share a complete course of Twitter ad know-how–from getting started to getting results.
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Using Strategic Metrics: What Matters (And What Doesn’t) [WEBINAR RECORDING]
We all love metrics (if you’re a PPC manager, how could you not?). But there are plenty of times when we feel like we might be missing the forest for the trees. And even worse, we have metrics that tell...
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5 Quick Wins On An Established Paid Search Account
When you first launch an AdWords account, there is so much optimization to do. Realistically you could spend hours a day analyzing data and making changes that will have a dramatic impact on your account based upon the analysis you...
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3 Tips to Troubleshoot Your Lead Quality
This week on PPC Hero, we’re all about the practical application of PPC know-how to solve major mysteries plaguing your account’s performance. Today, I’m going to share with a you a few pointers on how to troubleshoot where your bad leads...
Does DKI Really Work? [Case Study]
As dynamic series week continues, we’ve covered how to use dynamic parameters in Bing, dynamic ads with scripts and next we will dive into the question across many search engine marketing professionals minds when it comes to ad testing –...