The staff of PPC Hero has gotten together this month to answer a simple question: What advice would you give to someone brand new to PPC? Amanda West-Bookwalter When starting out in PPC, your best quality will be sticking to...
10 (okay, 11) Point Check List To Ensuring Ad Health
We all know that the ad is the gateway to the conversion. But how much time and thought are you really giving your ad copy? The answer I’m hoping for is: As much as it needs. That doesn’t mean you...
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Facebook’s Partner Categories: The Complete List (So Far)
Facebook has actually been trying over the past six months or so, which has been so tremendous for us advertisers. (I wonder if it has anything to do with this.) One of the more prominent of Facebook’s new options for...
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5 Approaches To Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Different Customer Types
In getting to know an account, a major component is your target audience. All industries have their specific clientele, and yet all industries stand to constantly reexamine what potential user they may be missing. A client has a business that...
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Benchmark Your Display Campaigns with Google’s New Tool
Determining the overall success of a Display campaign can be difficult. While we can tell whether or not it’s been a success for us in the limited context of our own accounts, we’re often left stumbling in the dark when it...
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10 Ways You Can Increase Your Click-Through Rate TODAY – New Webinar!
The best account managers know that effective PPC is all about strategy. Long-term data, ad testing, and copy refreshes take time and thoughtful examination. But here’s a secret: There are more than a few things you can do RIGHT NOW...
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Ad Copy Clean Up – What to Get Rid of & What to Keep
There is a time to review your account ad copy…and the time is now! While it’s bright and sunshine-y out and you can keep yourself motivated! Right? Right!
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Spr’Bing Cleaning: 7 Simple Steps For Your Bing Accounts
As part of our April spring cleaning series we're going to take a dive into the different ways Bing accounts can get messy and look at a few solutions for cleaning them up!
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Know When It’s Time to Delete Your Paused Keywords
There are tons of reasons to pause things within our PPC accounts. Poor performance, special offers ending, seasonality. It can go on and on.
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PPC Keyword Match Types & Tips to Remember
The keywords in your paid search accounts are what drive the entire PPC machine. Without the keywords, your ads have no trigger to populate. If it were as easy as adding all the keywords in the world and walking away,...
Seven Things We Learned in March That You Should Learn Too
Our accounts got better during March (or at least we all got better at understanding them). In addition to the glories of spring having sprung (see details below), the staff of PPC Hero reveled in some new tips and techniques...
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How to Quickly Creep on the Competition And Improve Your PPC Accounts
One of my favorite things about competitor research is the “view page source” option on your competitor’s pages. This isn’t always a great source, but when it is–it really is! Step 1. Right click on your competitor’s site and select...
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