Here’s the deal – you want PPC to power your business, but you offer a product or service that can only cater to the local community. What options does that leave you? There are really two things I want to...
Top 10 Reasons It’s Good To Be In PPC
PPC is the bee’s knees. It’s trackable, scalable and profitable. PPC can also be incredibly frustrating at times because the work is never done, the credit isn’t always forthcoming and consistent stellar results have led to excellence blindness. After a...
7 Ways To Keep Your PPC Account Structure Manageable
I came across an account a few months ago so large and unwieldy that the thought of optimizing it made my eyes water. What was so wrong with the account structure you ask? Nothing! By my own admission it was...
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The PPC Best Practices Spiral
First, this is going to be a quick post on a recent epiphany I’ve had… In PPC, as in a lot of business areas, I find that there is a cyclical nature to understanding and implementing best practices. In many...
Using Excel to Get the Best Budgets for Your Campaigns
One of life’s essential conundrums is how to allocate your resources. Whether it’s your energy, your time or your money, figuring out what to do with what you have determines what kind of person (or company) you’re going to be....
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PPC Myth Busting! Myth 1: Analytics is Complicated to Use.
Because I felt completely constrained by my hour time limit for my recent webinar, and because I think there’s a lot of people out there that would rather focus on one topic at a time or read an article over...
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Why I Love My PPC-Only Landing Page (In addition to the 2,000% increase in conversion rate)
In part two of our series highlighting the importance of CROLP (Conversion Rate Optimization/Landing Pages), we’ll be diving into a case study of just how drastically a new landing page can improve performance and conversion rate. If Kayla’s post yesterday...
ABC’s of PPC – A Guide for the Basics!
We’ve been posting some pretty advanced optimization techniques recently at PPC Hero to make sure our audience is getting the next level of PPC advice. That doesn’t mean new advertisers aren’t getting in the paid search game daily or that...
Maximize Efficiency With Dayparting in Small Accounts
Working in PPC is all about making the most of what you have. Whether it’s maximizing clicks on a budget, meeting (and surpassing) your Cost per Conversion goals, or just massaging your keyword bids to find the optimal position for your...
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Introduction to China’s Largest Search Engine: Baidu
Why Consider Using Baidu? Baidu is by far the most-used search engine in China and is ranked #5 in the world for traffic according to Alexa. Baidu states that over 90% of China’s Internet users use Baidu search and that...
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Closing the Credibility Gap
Given the attention-grabbing challenges that Facebook ads face, some companies go with the straightforward strategy of making a deal that’s simply too good to ignore. Unfortunately, if a deals too good to ignore, it’s assumed to be too good to...
Top 3 Ways to Self-Automate Your PPC Account Work
The PPC Hero blog series team decided to focus this month on automation in paid search. The rest of the week, our PPC rock stars are going to discuss true automated tools or features to make your jobs easier, but...
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