Now that the holiday festivities and hangovers are over with, it’s time to determine whether or not you pre-holiday optimization efforts were effective. So, what questions do you need to ask and what numbers do you need to evaluate? Impressions...
PPC Outside A Vacuum
This is a special guest blog post from Matt Umbro at Any PPC campaign interface provides valuable metrics such as number of clicks on a particular ad or the click-thru-rate (CTR) of a certain keyword, but to solely look...
PPC vs. SEO: Which is the Right Answer?
There’s a continuous debate in the search marketing industry about which is the more effective and efficient use of resources: pay per click or natural search engine optimization. Obviously, I’ll be supporting the PPC side of this argument. Our trusty...
Long Tail Terms for the Holiday Shopping Season
In the second week of December, we’re quickly approaching the end of the biggest gift-giving, and therefore the biggest shopping, period of the year. So, here’s one of the most important questions a good search marketer can ask himself/herself to...
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After reading the second half of Ron Jones’s article, Measuring Success, on Search Engine Watch, I was struck with an overwhelming urge to blatantly steal his ideas. However, my more noble tendencies forced me to merely reference them, while giving him...
5 “Hidden” Things that May Be Hurting Your PPC Account
There is so much going on within any PPC campaign that it can be difficult to keep track of all the moving pieces. You can be a proactive PPC manager but there could be elements of your account that may...
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5 PPC Tasks to Start Your Month off Right!
As I’m sure you are aware, it’s a new month! Now is the time to kick off your PPC campaigns with a bang. There are a few tasks that you can accomplish quickly in the next day or two that...
10 Questions You Should Ask a Potential New PPC Management Firm
You’ve either been trying to manage your company’s PPC account on your own, or you have hired a general marketing person to manage the PPC account internally. Regardless, you know that more could be done to get more bank for...
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Quick Look: Pay-Per-Click Metrics All Campaign Managers Should Understand
One of the best aspects of managing a pay-per-click campaign is the completeness of data. It is the only advertising medium that can give you a fairly accurate representation of how many eyeballs see your ad, and it’s the only...
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Too Busy to Improve Your PPC Campaigns? Here Are 3 Simple Tasks That Will Change Your Mind
I’m not pointing fingers at anyone in particular (I promise!), nor do I assume that everyone of you fall into this category. But I know that there are a great deal of you out there who are “too busy” to...
5 Ways to “Cut the Fat” Out of your PPC account AND Your Body This Spring
I’ve decided to write a 2-in-1 post on cutting out the fat of your ppc account, and your body if you’re interested in losing weight to shape up this spring. (Disclaimer: in no way, are my tips on cutting the...
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Never Get Bored With My PPC Tasks Checklist
This post is dedicated to all the PPC search advertisers out there who think they have done everything to their PPC account and still can’t get the results they need to meet their goals. Just like any job out there,...
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