Just in time for holiday season Google announces the roll-out of Target ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) bidding in AdWords. This recent release is part of the flexible bidding strategies suite and ongoing initiatives to improve real-time bidding in AdWords....
Increase the Power of AdWords Scripts With a Few Simple Edits
AdWords scripts are a powerful tool for making changes in your account. They can both alter entities in your account as well as make reporting a breeze. The main issue for most users is, what’s next? Sure the scripts you...
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6 Excel Tricks to Save Your PPC Life
It comes as no surprise to most of you, but we get a lot of mileage out of Excel in PPC. Seeing as how the AdWords and Bing Editors are capable of accepting spreadsheet uploads, and how each interface can turn out...
PPC & Brand Awareness: Are You Doing it Right?
PPC is a method of converting impressions directly into leads and sales. The typical measurements of success for begin with click through rate and conversion. PPC lends itself to this because of its simplicity in measuring – X clicks resulted...
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Why You Can’t Manage AdWords Without A Multi-Device Strategy in 2013
I was presented with a pretty big account a couple of months ago from one of our Clients who asked me for help to build out their future strategy. They came to me with the following talking points. We think...
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Big AdWords Certification Changes Are Coming
As many of you may have seen in your inboxes over the weekend, Google is changing the way that they run things when it comes to their certification program. In the words of the email that was sent out, “Google...
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PPC & SEO Unite with the New Paid & Organic Report in AdWords
AdWords has done it again with the release of another amazing new report that will allow online marketers to analyze and optimize your paid & organic search traffic directly in AdWords. The data is pulled via Webmaster tools and populated...
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Get More From Google Adwords Dynamic Search Ads
Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) was first launched in beta in late 2011 and went on to be fully released to Adwords users in October 2012. Despite this it seems that uptake has been poor - take a look into the...
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New Mind Blowing % Change Advanced Filters in AdWords
If you are anything like this guy and myself, your mind has been totally blown with AdWords latest update to the reporting suite that now allows you to apply advanced filters on KPI metrics to compare performance % change trends...
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What to Make of View-through Conversions
View-through conversions have been around for nearly four years in AdWords. In paid search land, that’s close to an eternity. But it still seems to me that people don’t really know what to do about them. We’ve talked about them...
Do Mobile Preferred Ads Actually Prefer Mobile?
Enhanced Campaigns have been pretty controversial, as I’m sure you’re aware. While some of us here at PPC Hero have experienced some success due to the massive influx of mobile traffic, others are still wrestling with the total loss of...
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6 Cool New Advertising Options In Google AdWords
It seems like it’s been a crazy few weeks at the Googleplex with the amount of new features that have been added into AdWords. We’re going to take a quick look into 6 of the different features available that you might...
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