This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. I had some great conversations this week around long standing frustrations and my thoughts on...
Post 6/30: Increasing Failures to Eliminate Failing
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. A good craftsman never blames her tools. You can get a good look at a...
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Post 5/30: You’re Really Awful At PPC If…
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. What a great day! Packed with meetings that moved the company forward as well as time...
Post 4/30: Staying Organized AND Flexible
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. Some people find it easy to be organized and for others it is easier to be...
Post 3/30: The Only Trick To Managing PPC While On Vacation You’ll Ever Need
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. Friday was 2nd 2nd, a wonderful three-day weekend Hanapin gives its’ employees once a quarter. On...
Continue Reading Post 3/30: The Only Trick To Managing PPC While On Vacation You’ll Ever Need
Post 2/30: Find All Your PPC Weaknesses In 1 Day
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. One of the reasons I love PPC is that it gives you the opportunity to...
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Post 1/30: Shhh… Don’t Tell Them But I Have Them All Fooled!
This is part of a 30 posts in 30 days series chronicling my first 30 days in my new role as President of Hanapin Marketing. At our monthly Town Hall meeting Wednesday Pat East, President & CEO of Hanapin, announced...
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7 Life Decisions PPC Managers Have Made
1. To be weird Straight to the point, PPC people are a little weird. Maybe it is the long hours. Perhaps it is the fact that our results are thrown in our face near-real time. It could even be that...
PPC Reality Vs. PPC Theater
Disclosure: The idea for this post from who gave a great argument against big fancy dashboards that pump data into your brain and for strategic data that helps you make good choices. I see this type of PPC Theater...
Are There Any Real PPC Experts?
As part of our training program we like to lay out time frames for people new to PPC in terms of how long it will take to feel comfortable and become an expert. I usually say 1 year to be...
When Is It Time To Stop Doing PPC?
Every business has to decide at one time or another if PPC is still a viable channel for them. It may be that new channels have proven to be more profitable or that PPC profits have shrunk as demand has...
3 Things In-house PPC Managers Wished Agencies Knew
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure out what our clients/ideal clients want in terms of services and results. I do this by asking them questions directly, observing the questions and comments they make to our account...
Continue Reading 3 Things In-house PPC Managers Wished Agencies Knew