This week on PPC Hero, we’re all about the practical application of PPC know-how to solve major mysteries plaguing your account’s performance. Today, I’m going to share with a you a few pointers on how to troubleshoot where your bad leads...
How To Deal With Client Tracking Issues
Working at a PPC agency has provided me experience with clients ranging in tech-savviness and web development resources. It's not uncommon for tracking issues to develop, and it's not uncommon for me to be the one that has to sort...
Eight PPC Tactics That Are Hiding in Plain Sight
We’re presenting a list of some PPC hangouts that you should reconsider and spend some more time in. Don’t let your eyes gloss over these hidden gems; your accounts will be better for it.
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The End of Paid Search As We Know It?
Our PPC ecosystem is probably going to be changing soon. On June 25th, the Federal Trade Commission sent off a warning shot to a bunch of search engines, and it will most likely be reshaping the real estate on which...
Spr’Bing Cleaning: 7 Simple Steps For Your Bing Accounts
As part of our April spring cleaning series we're going to take a dive into the different ways Bing accounts can get messy and look at a few solutions for cleaning them up!
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It Might Be Time To Revisit Your Account’s Structure
For today's lesson, we're going to start at the very beginning: structure. Before you write ads, generate keywords, segment ad groups, or build campaigns, you need to know how you're going to structure your account. What works and what doesn't?
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Three Automated Reports That Will Make You a Better Account Manager
PPC is fun. While there are surely people that disagree with that assertion (namely, anyone to whom I’ve explained what I do for a living), we within the industry know better. There are cool things to talk about all the...
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Dear Bing Ads, We Need to Talk
Dear Bing Ads, We need to talk. I’ve been working with you long enough now that I feel a certain level of familiarity with your systems and processes. So please understand that what I’m about to say comes from a...
It’s Official: PPC Hero Prefers Bing to Google!
Oh, Bing. You’re everywhere lately. You’re on my television, interrupting my time with Stephen Colbert on Hulu, sending me emails asking me to call you Bing Ads now, and asking me to “Bing-it-on”. Well, like an annoying classmate telling me...
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PPC Myth Busting! Myth 4: adCenter Isn’t Worth My Time
So, this is a HUGE myth, because I hear it all the time and it’s just so unfounded. The biggest thing that busts this myth in adCenter is lower CPCs, which leads to lower costs per acquisitions if the conversion...
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5 Ways adCenter beats AdWords
Microsoft adCenter is often dismissed in PPC circles as a much more cumbersome, AdWords lite. However, we’re here today to dispel some myths! While adCenter certainly used to be painfully slow to use, the latest iteration of the interface is...
Using PPC Desktop Editors To Save Time & Streamline Your Workflow
In the fifth and final post of our automation and timesaving series this month, it’s all about the desktop editors and how they can work to your advantage. As pay-per-click account managers, we’re often pressed for time juggling several campaigns...
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