Just a friendly reminder that AdCenter has a planned outage today. It’s supposed to go down from 12 pm to 2 pm Pacific time (which is only three short hours from now!). In case you aren’t in the Pacific time...
Changes to AdCenter Location Targeting
AdCenter no longer cares about your city. The good news is that the “you” I’m referring to probably wouldn’t read this article, as that “you” is statistically insignificant (at least in the world of internet marketing). To elaborate, in a...
Microsoft adCenter is Now Compatible with Chrome and Safari for Both PC and Mac
Whether your symbol be a gnawed piece of fruit or four wavy blocks, whether your browser be a compass or a circle that sort of looks like a Bop It Extreme, you can rest easy. You can now log into...
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Love Me Tender: Uploading Negatives Into Bing
Have a love/hate relationship with the adCenter editor? Us too. Read about how you can make up after a break up and your account will be better for it! Today's series post is about uploading negatives in bulk in a...
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Lost Impression Share Metrics Come to adCenter
Yesterday, after months of frothing anticipation on the part of PPC Hero and the Internet at large, Microsoft announced that impression share reporting has been released in adCenter. In the colorful blog post penned by an author that favors the...
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MSN adCenter Keyword Normalization & The Frustration Therefrom
Microsoft's adCenter blog recently published a blog post about MSN's keyword normalization & how this can cause duplicate keywords in your adCenter account. The way they put it, you can't upload keywords they normalize as the same keywords into an...
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Tips For Managing Accounts Simultaneously in AdWords and AdCenter
If you’re managing accounts in multiple search engines, implementing universal changes can be a challenge. Clunky user interfaces, variances in data column names, inconsistent report type availability, all contribute to less than efficient management of otherwise similar information. So, I...
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adCenter Search Partner Quality: Why You Might Be Wasting Money
November was going great for my account. Leads in adCenter had doubled in the last month and since the CPC is much lower than AdWords, our cost per leads was significantly below goal. It seemed too good to be true…...
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Our 5 Favorite New adCenter UI Features & How To Use Them
On November 9th, Dave wrote a blog post about Microsoft’s new adCenter User Interface. To get more in depth with just what we love about it, Kayla decided to show you. In this video blog, she goes over the five...
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Exact Match Negative Keywords Live in adCenter
Microsoft Advertising adCenter has been very busy lately with updates to the UI, Desktop editor and the Import Campaign beta, but it doesn’t look like they’re quite done. Late yesterday afternoon, adCenter released a post on their blog informing readers...
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The Complete Guide To adCenter’s New & Improved User Interface
Change is something we’ve come to expect in the paid search industry. It’s almost as if new enhancements and features are introduced on a weekly basis, and they have been. This month alone, Google AdWords rolled out dynamic search ads,...
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MSN adCenter Introduces Import Campaigns Feature
So, you’re managing a PPC account that’s running on AdWords and adCenter. That’s pretty common practice. Do you have issues syncing the two? Do you constantly have to download things from AdWords to upload into adCenter? Well, adCenter has just...
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