At just over 15 years old, the primary paid search platform is slated to undergo its first complete design overhaul since 2008.
Speak To The Audiences You Value Most With The New Advanced Features For Facebook Custom Audiences
Facebook is beginning to roll out Advanced Custom Combinations for Website Traffic Audiences.
The AdWords App For iOS Is Here
The announcement we’ve been anticipating for months has finally been made: The AdWords app for iOS has been released!
Build Custom Formulas Within Custom Columns
Custom columns in AdWords, which grant marketers the ability to segment unique key metrics, have acquired an additional layer of potential application.
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Bing Now Powers AOL Search
Bing aims to improve search business by powering AOL searches globally. This move comes soon after Yahoo loosened ties with Bing.
Implement Smart Goals Via Google Analytics
Smarts Goals powered by Google Analytics helps identify high-quality traffic and optimizes for those visits within AdWords.
Google Releases New Interactive Ads For Mobile
Just months after Google released its Mobile App Marketing Insights Guide, Google is releasing two new types of mobile app advertisements. Why? The Insights Guide revealed that one in every four downloaded apps never gets used.
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Image Extensions Now Available For Bing Ads
Bing Ads announced the release of image extensions in search ads on tablets and PCs.
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Image Extensions Now Available In Bing Ads
Amongst a holiday season of innovation and addition in the PPC world, Bing Ads recently announced the reincarnation of image extensions in search ads. Although previously introduced and eventually discontinued within AdWords, Bing Ads will now offer advertisers the ability...
AdWords Releases New Shopping Metric For The Holidays
AdWords announced yesterday that a new metric called Click Share has been released for Shopping campaigns, just in time for Black Friday.
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Holiday Promotions Delivered Via Text Message
AdWords recently announced an additional avenue for connecting bargain-seeking customers with the latest holiday deals. This development utilizes a brand new ad format in which relevant sale notifications are delivered directly to a potential customer via text message.
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Google Releases New Tools In Time For the Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us and Google has some early gifts for retailers - new shopping campaign optimization features in AdWords.
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