Happy Birthday to James Lipton! In honor of his birthday, PPC Hero thought he would give Mr. Lipton the greatest present he could think of: an opportunity to interview a true superhero! It truly was a meeting of the minds....
Book Give Away Follow Up: Thanks To Everyone!
We’d like to thank everyone who has responded to our book give away. The response was overwhelming! In fact, we gave away all 25 copies of Always Be Testing in about the first 5 hours. So, the kind folks at...
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PPC Hero Sightings Around the Blogosphere: Check Out Our Recent Guest Appearances
The elusive PPC Hero has been spotted in several places around the blogosphere here lately. Suprisingly, he always dons a different disguise, looking eerily like Joe, Amber or myself. Odd… Regardless, the content is still great and is chocked full...
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Why We Love David Szetela
There are a lot of PPC bloggers these days, but it is still easy to recognize the cream-of-the-crop. Our friend and fellow PPC guru David Szetela is certainly at the top. The Clix Marketing Blog, Dave’s home on the internet,...
PPC Hero Readers Are Winners!
The results from the PPC Summit Best Practices & Successful Strategies Contest are in, and one of our very own readers has won! The winner is Sterling Simpson from AbeBooks.com. Sterling has won a free pass to either PPC Summit...
“Demystify Pay-per-Click!” Check Out My Podcast on TheMarketingSpot.com.
Recently I was interviewed by Jay Ehret from TheMarketingspot.com; His blog is themarketingspot.blogspot.com and they mainly focus on internet marketing for small businesses. This is the first time I’ve been interviewed in regards to pay-per-click advertising and it was a...
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Our Favorite PPC Blogs of 2007: Our PPC Hero Allies!
We read many blogs on a multitude topics. However, there are certain blogs to which we pay close attention: other PPC-focused blogs! There are few blogs that frequently publish articles on in-depth PPC management strategy, and industry developments. We view...
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The Top 3 SEM “Year in Review” Lists for 2007
Every year, bloggers from all corners of the SEM industry create “Best of” lists to review news-bites, articles and varied quips on the year’s performance. All of us at PPC Hero wanted to dive head-first into this year-end ritual. As...
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Our Top 10 PPC Hero Blog Posts of 2007
2007 saw the birth of PPC Hero! He fights for truth, justice, higher click-through rates, lower cost-per-clicks, enhanced conversion rates, better quality scores, and the American way. This week we are doing some reviewing and summarization of the past year;...
Top 5 PPC Developments That Made News in 2007
The year of the boar, otherwise known as 2007, was a year to remember. Whether you followed the dilly-dallying of Britney Spears, the screen writer’s strike or the feud between 50 Cent and Kanye West, 2007 offered something for everyone!...
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PPC Hero “Best of 2007” Week!
2007 was an exciting year for us! We launched PPC Hero and have had a lot of fun and success teaching others about pay-per-click! This week we’re doing a “Best of 2007” list series. Some of these lists will include...
Where Are The Holes in Our Leaky Bucket?
Well, 2007 has come to a close and now is a good time to take stock of what we do well, and where we’d like to improve for 2008. For this example, we’ll think of our blog as a leaky...