PPC Hero salutes all the brave military men and women who have fought for our country. We honor and remember you, today and always.
Funny Halloween Post
Every year I love to dress up for Halloween. this year I have been everything from a Computer nerd to a Superhero. That got me into the though of what makes a good superhero? A superhero is someone that we...
Haaaaaappy Halloweeeeen!
Happy Halloween from all of us here at PPC Hero and the Addams family! Looks like SEO Boy…I mean, Cousin Itt is all set to start passing out some trick-or-treats! If you want to see the Addams’ Family live, it’s...
PPC Toolkit: Resources for Improving Your PPC Accounts
We here at PPC Hero love giving you, our readers, lots of resources to help you manage your accounts even better than you already do! And of course, we always appreciate your comments that help us become better managers as...
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Happy World Vegetarian Day!
PPC Hero looks happy as a clam finishing his vegetarian meal! ...He could definitely work on his table manners though! In case you didn't know, World Vegetarian Day was established in 1977 by the North American Vegetarian Society "for promoting...
It’s Google’s 13th Birthday!
We here at PPC Hero want to wish Google a very happy 13th birthday!! Although Google’s actual birthday has been a debated topic through the years, Google has chosen September 27th as their official day to celebrate! Check out this...
It’s World Gratitude Day – What Are You Grateful For?
In my 25 short years on this Earth, something I’ve realized is that sometimes it seems easier to complain than to show gratitude and have a grateful heart. I really don’t know why this is the case, but today is...
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Do You Dare to Defy Superstition?
Today is Defy Superstition Day – time to eliminate the superstitions that have been haunting you! PPC Hero and Miss Clicks aren’t afraid to! Miss Clicks looks a little bit more confident than PPC Hero though…She’s using her opened umbrella...
9/11 – We Remember
All of us here at PPC Hero remember where we were 10 years ago on September 11th. And today, on the 10th anniversary of that tragic day, we recall – how we remember it, what we thought, how we felt....
Letter from the CEO – “Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable.”
That’s a quotation from Loretta Young, and it fits the theme well this month of highlighting accomplishments. We’re now at the 180-day mark of our blog re-investment, and the team at Hanapin continues to make great progress toward our goals!...
Happy Sneak Some Zucchini on Your Neighbor’s Porch Day!
To all the gardeners out there, this is probably among your favorite holidays! Zucchini is one of Earth’s most prolific plants, so there is a good chance gardeners have some extra zucchini lying around. Today is the perfect day to...
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Letter from the CEO – “Just the facts, ma’am.”
This is my sixth ‘letter from the CEO,’ and I’m having a bit of writer’s block coming up with a thematic topic or creative spin like I have in previous letters. So, I’ll just do my best Joe Friday impression...
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