Happy Friday everyone! We’re having a heat wave here in Indiana, with the temps supposed to get up to 14 degrees today. I call it a heat wave based on the sub-zero temperatures we encountered yesterdays. Grab your cup of...
PPC News Roundup for January 9th, 2009
Happy new year everyone! I had a nice, long vacation in Portland, drinking delicious seasonal beers and hanging out with the family. I hope the holidays treated you all gloriously as well. Being the new year, here’s my first PPC...
PPC News Roundup for January 2, 2009
Need to save some money on PPC this year? Website Magazine has 5 solid tips for doing just that. These helpful solutions range from reviewing your match type strategy, negative keyword use, account structure, ad scheduling and even taking a...
Blog News Roundup for December 26th
From the Adwords Agency Blog, Quality Score fact of the day states that a few bad performance days from testing is not going to kill your quality score. In fact Google recommends you test your ads and landing pages to...
PPC News Roundup for December 19th, 2008
Trying to make your PPC ad copy stand out from the crowd can be a daunting task. Shane at semvironment has written a very insightful article to help you fend off the PPC ad copy zombies. For those of you in...
PPC News Roundup for December 12th, 2008
The holiday season is quickly approaching. As I am still in Grad School (done in May, whew!), I have the pleasure of taking a two week break to visit my family and vacation. I hope the rest of you enjoy...
PPC News Roundup for December 5th, 2008
We have some helpful videos this week to spice up your life, as well as much adieu about Quality Score. I guess there’s always adieu about Quality Score … Anyways, read on. If you want to stay on top of...
PPC News Roundup for November 28th, 2008
I hope everyone is enjoying their turkey day break! Knock out that food coma from yesterday with a little Brain Age – PPC Hero style. Gobble Gobble! Jeremy Mayes at PPC Discussions has been keeping track of every AdWords ad...
PPC News Roundup For November 21st, 2008
Google has created a US search based keyword tool. Over at search engine round table they have posted a screen shot and the new features which includes keywords that you may not be advertising on that would possibly bring in...
PPC News Roundup For November 14th, 2008
Quite the week for PPC news if I do say so myself. We also have a ton of SEO news that can be found at our sidekick site, SEO Boy! Further, I would like to give two thumbs down to...
PPC News Roundup For November 7th, 2008
The fine folks over at Search Engine Guide have just finished up their 12 post guide to Keyword Research, Selection, and Organization. Good details, useful advice, check it out! Included in the AdWords monthly budget beta? If so you should...
PPC News Roundup for October 31st, 2008
Happy Halloween loyal PPC Hero readers! I hope its full of chills and thrills 😮 … As for myself, I always manage to channel my inner child and go all-out for Halloween, good times! Enough chit-chat, here’s our PPC roundup...