We start off today’s roundup with reports! Thrilling! In all seriousness, Google Analytics is adding some new features that will make it even more useful, including custom reports, integration with AdSense, Motion Charts, and more. Plus, they have some videos...
PPC News Roundup for October 17th, 2008
We all know that search marketing is a complex beast – Much more than most people would think. Ion Interactive drafts out a ‘Search Marketing Maturity Model‘ to help get a broad picture of the processes involved in search marketing....
PPC News Roundup for October 10, 2008
Google announces another update for Adwords Editor 6.5. The new version has a new calendar picker for performance stats and horizontal scrolling in the data view plus auto-sizing columns. It also has a new keyword tool that allows users to...
PPC News Roundup for October 2, 2008
This offering from PPC Advice gives their outlook on the staggering economy and its impact on the online marketing industry. It’s a positive one, and for all of our sakes, we can hope it pans out like they predict. You...
PPC News Roundup for September 24, 2008
Need a refresher on MSN’s dynamic text insertion process? Today’s your lucky day. The adCenter blog walks you through the process and purpose of utilizing keyword insertion and dynamic insertion with {parem} functions. It’s the worst sound in the PPC...
PPC News Roundup for September 17, 2008
Over on Search Engine Land Brad Geddes has written a good post on the top three search engine payment options for PPC. We think it’s good for people to read over this and to learn their options on how they...
PPC News Roundup for September 10, 2008
Mike Mothner from wpromoter.com has written a great post on ways to supercharge your landing pages. Some ways he mentions include keeping your contact form simple, don’t let your users get distracted and what I think may be the most important...
PPC News Roundup for September 3, 2008
Using multiple campaigns to break up your PPC efforts is generally a smart principal that we adhere to. Nikki Kuhlman over at JumpFly reminds us why this is a good idea to consider in your pay-per-click strategies. You may already...
PPC News Roundup for August 27, 2008
SEOmoz presents headsmacker tip #6 – Test with Paid Search Before You Target with SEO. This concise post is a nice refresher in the relationship between your PPC and SEO efforts, offering some good tips and insight. We are always...
PPC News Roundup for August 20, 2008
Surely by now you know of the social networking phenomenon sweeping the web. These social networking sites, like Facebook, offer advertising with text ads, akin to trusty AdWords. If your target audience is the younger, hip crowd, then this might...
PPC News Roundup for August 13, 2008
Does your PPC campaign have seasonal highs and lows? Do you wonder how to optimize for these peaks and valleys? If so, the folks over at Pay Per Click Journal have some advice on preparing for seasonal highs and lows....
PPC News Roundup for August 6, 2008
We all know the pains associated with broad match keywords that may have no relation to what you are actually targeting in your PPC campaigns. The folks over at PPC-Advice.com offer up some useful strategies to counter this issue. We...