This blog post explores PPC pricing models and and also outlines the pros and cons of a handful of other methods and services.
Why The Case Study Needs to Die When Selling PPC
Is the case study really the best option? I'd like to demonstrate in this blog post why I believe it is not.
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You’re Doing This One Thing Wrong In Digital Marketing
Social media has provided businesses with fresh new marketing platforms. But more than the platform itself, it allows for businesses to connect with customers.
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Turn Yourself Into A PPC Time Management Machine With These 4 Techniques
I've devised 4 tactics that help me manage my accounts as best as possible while also taking into account a myriad of unexpected tasks.
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Reassessing The Classical Definition Of ROI
This post will go in depth about the classic definition of ROI, why it’s outdated, and the different types of ROI you should consider when determining success.
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One Huge PPC Mistake: Conflating Tactics With Strategy
Paid search accounts aren’t just a tactic in a more encompassing marketing strategy, but rather, they deserve strategies of their own.
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PPC Hero Interviews Search Engine Land Author, Ginny Marvin
Paid search reporter, Ginny Marvin, is one of our top industry heroes and has graciously agreed to an interview.
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Why We Need To Fail In Order To Move Forward
I’m a firm believer that you must make mistakes in order to learn and progress in your career. Find out why!
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How PPC Conferences Recharged My Accounts And My Career
Nothing can replace the value of immersing yourself in PPC information for several days with a group of people who all share a common interest.
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Pros And Cons Of Hiring A PPC Agency Or Traditional Agency To Manage Your PPC
This post will go through the various aspects of the decision-making process of whether to hire a PPC agency or a traditional agency.
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A Newbie’s Jumbled Thoughts On Hero Conf 2015
I was fortunate enough to attend Hero Conf and wanted to get my thoughts on paper before they had a chance to jumble their way into oblivion.
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Liveblogging Google’s Latest AdWords Innovations
Google's livestream focuses on mobile and how people engage with the world around them. We have you covered as we're liveblogging the event.
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