Last week we touched upon how to use PPC for Email Marketing. Today we're going to discuss how PPC can help your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.
Use PPC To Help Build And Optimize Your Email Lists
It’s easy to use PPC to build email lists, which is the core of email marketing.
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6 Strategic Tools Your PPC Agency Should Be Providing
This post covers 6 strategic tools that help provide value to clients beyond solely PPC performance reporting.
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How Mobilegeddon Impacts Paid Search
If your clients don't have mobile sites, or the mobile versions are lacking, emphasize the importance of the SEO update on paid search.
Target New Audiences Through Paid Search
PPC provides a highly controllable channel from which you can test, forecast and project business goals and performance.
3 Ways To Decrease CPA Without Tanking Volume
While many front-end metrics (CTR, CPC, etc.) lead to better overall performance, CPA (cost per acquisition) and profit are most crucial to our accounts.
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How PPC Impacts Your Business
It is important to consistently test new markets and audiences, whether they are truly brand new or indicated by other channels as being of further interest.
Why A Dedicated Analyst Is Beneficial To Your Accounts
Our new paid search department setup allows us to give more attention to our clients and accounts and focus on conducting the tasks that make the biggest impact.
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Simple Budgeting Techniques Using Excel
There are many techniques advertisers can utilize for budgeting in Excel. The focus here is making sure budgeting is being done to accommodate the differences in the day of the week.
[New Webinar with Wordstream!] PPC for Travel Marketers: The Top 11 Tips
Get the top 11 tips for travel industry marketers to dominate the search results page and get INSANE ROI.
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Identifying Your Ideal Customer Through Persona Analysis
Let’s dive in and discuss where you can find persona related information in your PPC accounts and how to turn it into actionable account work.
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[Whitepaper!] 10 PPC Tactics That Should Be On Your Radar
In PPC, innovation is everything. Change is the only constant in this industry, and what worked for you yesterday may not work for you today. That means if you’re not trying new things– new tactics, new strategies, or new platforms...
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