One of the trickiest decisions in building out new campaigns in your account is how in depth you need to get with your keyword build out. On the one hand, building out every conceivable search term into its own exact...
Tips to Tidy Up Your PPC Clutter [New Webinar]
Can you feel it? The weather is getting warmer, and the delicate fragrance of newly-bloomed flowers hangs in the air. These are sure signs that spring is right around the corner! But after a long winter of being cooped up...
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#ThinkPPC: Why Big Brands Care About Social – And You Should Too [Webinar Recording]
Social Media Advertising can be a great way to reach a large audience of potential revenue sources with a lower cost per acquisition, but it can also be a beast to manage. How do you know which social network fits...
Two Simple Tricks To Enhance your Excel Lookups
A few weeks ago we covered INDEX MATCH as a replacement for VLOOKUP in excel. We only scratched the surface though. There are many more uses for INDEX, MATCH and VLOOKUP, using them together can even help you in a...
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#ThinkPPC: Why Big Brands Care About Social – And You Should Too [New Webinar]
Social Media Advertising can be a great way to reach a large audience of potential revenue sources with a lower cost per acquisition, but it can also be a beast to manage. How do you know which social network fits...
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Happy Valentines Day From PPC Hero!
With love in the air, we thought we’d share a few articles that have gotten a lot of love and attention from our favorite PPC Hero readers, you! Here are just a few of the recent blog posts you loved!...
Why Are Your Quality Scores Dropping with Improved CTR?
Back in October I wrote a post about how you can improve your account’s CTR and recently I’ve started to feel a little guilty about all that advice. I spent the entire article talking about how to increase click-through rates...
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How Restructuring Improved Quality Score & Reduced CPA by 23%
Today’s post comes from Chris Swan. Chris is a fully qualified PPC manager for Jellyfish with five years experience specializing in PPC. He began working globally for brand awareness clients, picking up on the importance of site engagement metrics as performance indicators –...
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Instant Onboarding – Every PPC Account Manager’s Dream
Being more heavily focused with the task of capturing and onboarding new business for Hanapin, I tend to encounter a different set of complications than my fellow PPC Heroes. One that we get to share together is getting all of our...
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Navigating The Maze of Changing Goals and Objectives
For January’s series post we are taking a look at our PPC wishlists. What tools do we all wish we had available to make our lives that much easier? Where do our chief frustrations stem from and what band-aid solutions...
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5 Metrics I Use to Measure Account Success
The most fundamental question I always ask myself when managing an account is what metrics should I be looking at and analyzing. The answer I always arrive at is ‘everything’. Even the slightest, most mundane piece of information might hold...
Is Your PPC Account Running On Autopilot?
Quite frequently over the last few months, I’ve had conversations with either prospective clients or account managers from other agencies who have expressed the same concern/issue – “I’m worried the account has gone stagnant.” My first response is always to...