Our Next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from our Super Panel Discussion. If you’re more of a straight to the point kind of person and want access to our full 339 page transcript guide, all you need to do is sign...
Audit Your Account With Wordstream’s AdWords Grader
You know you should audit your account, right? Whether it’s a new account you’ve just taken over or one you’ve been managing for years, a comprehensive, holistic analysis can always turn up new insights to help you push your PPC...
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Why PPC Agencies Should Include Call Tracking in All AdWords Plans
In early 2012, we here at White Shark Media were at a cross roads. We had acknowledged the need for call tracking for quite some time, but the interest to sign up with our call tracking partner wasn’t as high...
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Lead Generation’s Sad Holiday Season Won’t Last Forever
The holidays aren’t a total joy for everyone. The clearest example that always comes to my mind is Tiny Tim and his family sitting around their table and eating a boiled boot or whatever. (This probably depends on which of...
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Why the Effectiveness of PPC Kills Account Growth
The great thing about PPC is that you know the exact performance of every keyword in the account (or at least you can if you get everything set up right). You can now even attribute sales to keywords at the...
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Holiday PPC Strategy & Prep in Just 7 Steps!
It’s coming. We can tell over here at PPC Hero because more and more questions are coming in asking about preparing for the holiday season in PPC. It’s true…the peak holiday ecommerce season is right around the corner! If you...
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9 Common Issues with Data That Make Your Ad Testing Worthless
At a recent meeting between Google and one of my clients, we were presented with a staggering statistic: conversion rate increased as our average position increased in the account. Based on this data we had a simple course to chart...
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Christmas in July: Considerations for Holiday Planning
The holidays loom for retail marketers, making July the time to start thinking about paid search campaign planning if you want to ensure your efforts are a success. Yes, it might be painful thinking about Black Friday keywords and holiday...
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6 Useless PPC Account Audit Techniques
PPC Audits are incredibly useful. At our agency we have Account Mangers audit accounts routinely and they almost always find ways to increase account performance that the lead on the account glossed over. We also perform audits for companies small...
9 Step Guide to Increasing PPC Sales by 39.4%
Recently I had the good fortune to be on ta team that produced quite a turn around for an Ecommerce account. In 1 month sales grew by 39.4%. This was during a time when month-over-month sales trend downwards due to...
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My Three Biggest Mistakes in PPC
I just got some great advice from another staffer, when asking him what I should write about today. He says to me, write about “the worst mistake you made in PPC and how you fixed it.” My response, “I’m flawless,...
7 Analytics Reports To Get You Thinking About Your Mobile PPC Campaigns
Hopefully you’ve been following our blog series this week on all things mobile PPC. If so, you should have a pretty good idea of the basics to getting started with your mobile efforts. If you read Amanda’s article on building...
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