In early January we wrote 145 tips for 2012. It’s been a whirlwind year in the land of PPC so this is an update to that post with an additional 20 tips. These new PPC tips come from conferences, tests,...
PPC (Over)optimization: How Not to Destroy a PPC Account
As PPC managers our job is to continually be optimizing. But what happens when we over-optimize? Over-optimization is the result of many changes within a small window of time. They are typically all individual great ideas but as a whole...
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Top 5 ways to use AdWords’ new Auction Insights tool
By now I’m sure you’ve all taken the time to read PPC Hero’s update on Google’s new Auction Insights feature (see Google’s own blog otherwise). I’m also sure many of you took a couple of minutes to poke around with...
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3 No-duh PPC Tips That You Forget to Use
PPC is riddled with tips and best practices. Sometimes this means that some of the more simple tips get lost and forgotton. Here are 3 forecasting, reporting and optimization PPC tips that are no-brainers but we often forget to use....
Google Insights for Search for PPC
Google Insights for Search is a popular web trend tool, but it’s application to PPC is often overlooked. This post discusses three ways you can use the tool to increase the efficiency of your PPC accounts. Use Google Insights for...
April Showers Bring May PPC Flowers: Series Wrap Up
It’s actually been a fairly dry week for April, but nonetheless, the PPC Hero series team has loaded you up with plenty of ideas for how to make things happen now that are better for later. From client communication, to...
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PPC Account Goal Setting: Set Yourself Up for Incremental Success
Today brings the second post in our April Showers Bring May PPC Flowers series. In today’s post, I’ll be diving into setting account goals to help your account mitigate torrential downpours. PPC account goal setting can be quite the conundrum...
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4 Sure-Fire Ways to Fail at PPC
PPC isn’t always predictably. And as nerdy and data centric as I am, I know it’s not always exact. But there are some sure-fire ways to tank a PPC account. Here are 5 of them: Lose Perspective An account that...
How Pinteresting Is Your Brand?
This is the first installment of our Reach Expansion Final Four series for this month. For the purpose of today’s post, we will discuss why you should consider utilizing Pinterest as a way to increase traffic and sales. Since its...
13 Popular PPC Campaign Tactics That Will Ruin You
PPC Campaign tactics are those things account managers do at the campaign level to increase performance. This list is 13 very common tactics PPC managers use to optimize at the campaign level. Sometimes they work, but sometimes they can tank...
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CTR Healing: Raising Click Through Rate For Better Performance
This is the first installment from our PPC Love series for this month. For the purpose of today’s post, we’ll be discussing click through rate and offer up a few ways to improve CTR in your own accounts. Ooh baby,...
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Mark Zuckerberg and Paid Search
Have you heard anything about the Facebook IPO this week? Me either. Back to reality now…I haven’t been able to avoid this news in the least. The articles keep rolling in too. My favorite addition today was the Washington Post...