It’s social media, right? Meaning that social context has huge influence over what gets noticed and reacted to, right? And by “social context” I mean that you think different thoughts, and are likely to respond to different bids for your...
Tips for Shaking Off PPC Frustration
As rose-colored as my glasses may be, I still find myself frustrated at times. In some cases it is due to specific goals that I am working on surpassing. Sometimes it is because ideas are not flowing from me as...
Everything You Need to Know About Ad Position in AdWords
Ad position, the forest containing all your account metric trees! (Sorry, it’s Friday, and the clichés abound.) A high quality score combined with the right keyword bid means your ad gets a higher and higher position on Google SERPs. But,...
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Using Project Management to Help PPC
The versatility of a great project manager can assist a company in many functions. When reviewing a PPC marketing campaign, consider utilizing best practice project management skills to promote a strategy that can bring increased efficiency and profitability to your...
Ad Testing Made Easy: Running An Ad Test
In the third installment of our series, Ad Testing Made Easy, I’ll be talking about implementing your ad test. After reading Felicia’s post yesterday, I’m sure it’s safe to assume you accepted her mission and are ready to dig in...
145 PPC Must-Do’s for 2012
Squeeze every drop of PPC goodness out of 2012 with these 145 pay per click tips, tricks, and must-do’s! (You can download the entire list at the bottom of the page.) These tips are relevant to 2012, actionable, and will...
Ad Test and You Shall Receive!
It’s a new year PPC Hero readers, and that means it’s time to stop putting off all the things you promised you’d do in 2011 and really start doing them! First on your list? Ad testing for increased account performance....
Delivering on the Look After the Leap
Back when e-commerce was relatively new, one of the go-to best practices for improving usability and conversion was to consistently tell visitors what would happen next. So you would: write embedded links so that visitors could reliably tell where they...
Impossible PPC Feats of Strength #1
Reducing CPL and spend at the same time is easy. Keep the best performing keywords running and start pausing the lower performers until you’ve eliminated enough projected spend. Increasing spend while not having to worry about CPL is easy, and...
The PPC Renegade Wants To Delete Your Hoarded Keywords
When I was learning PPC, it was always stressed to me the importance of pausing things instead of deleting them. After all, the history of a keyword or ad is what makes up its quality score. This all made sense...
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Your Competition is Set to Crush You in 2012
Your competition is gearing up to crush you next year. They’ve spent this year learning your tricks, perfecting their own, and are now ready to unleash everything they have on you. That’s because they know what’s at stake. Profits. 2012...
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Pulling PPC Gems from Best-selling Books
A lot of the books on the market that relate to PPC are how-to’s. They attempt to explain how to do things versus overarching strategy. When I am itching for some strategic thinking I turn to general business books and...