When budgets are time flexible, the client's bottom line is more than likely to be positively impacted. I've noticed four specific areas where this setup is tremendously beneficial: flexibility With Inconsistent Seasonality, End of Month Opportunity, Capilization on Unexpected Traffic...
Come to the table with a defined way to spend your clients money. Lay out tactics, set expectations, and define deliverables. Any client will be impressed.
As the paid search industry migrated towards a more automated environment advertisers were met with a spike in cost per click (CPC). Coming out of 2018 Merkle reports a higher rate of click growth than rise in CPC. Advertisers worked...
If you want to keep pace with the way the modern consumer likes to buy, then you need to be able to meet them wherever they are on your website and in the sales funnel. Cue chatbots...These are an excellent...
When it comes to best practices in digital marketing, practitioners should embrace a “trust, but verify” mindset. Specifically, adopt best practices when possible, but don’t assume that they’ll improve performance - every account exists in a different context with a...
RSAs are the newest ad format by Google. Using automation, it can be tricky to understand exactly how the system is showing ad variants. Learn how to create a better RSA strategy that gives you freedom through automation, but insight...
There's a huge discrepancy in the value many small business owners place on digital presence and marketing compared to the known value digital provides.