You should think of this article as a “what to expect when you’re expecting” in regards to launching a new website. More to the point, I will focus on the effects that launching a new website will have on your...
How Does AdWords Determine a Keyword’s Quality Score Before It’s Even Activated? Find Out!
Recently, I was creating new campaigns and ad groups within a Google AdWords account. I loaded all of my keywords and ad texts, set my bids, reviewed my campaign settings, and I was ready for launch! Once I finished up...
Google Quality Score Is Overhyped
This week we are featuring guest articles from our PPC Hero allies! We requested submissions from our readers and we received excellent responses from some great PPC bloggers! The PPC Hero team will return to our regularly scheduled articles next...
Just in Case You Haven’t Heard Lately, PPC Account Structure is Still Important
Here at PPC Hero headquarters, we’re in the throes of training a new employee. At the tippity-top of the training agenda, right next to Search Engines 101, is a lesson on PPC account structure. Around here, account structure optimization is...
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Google Confirms Conversion Rates Have No Effect on Quality Score
According to the Google Adwords Agency Blog, your account conversion rate does not affect your account Quality score. While some of you may already know this, apparently there are many others that don’t. And some of these people are actually...
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Ask PPC Hero! How Does a Weak Campaign Affect the Rest of Your AdWords Account?
We are doing some catch up with our reader submitted questions so today we are posting another “Ask PPC Hero” article! Recently, we received a question from Shweta, and here is what they asked: “If I keep bad performing campaigns...
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Has the Google AdWords Landing Page Quality Score Changed? Find Out!
Whenever we are reading through the dozens upon dozens of blogs that we subscribe to, we are always on the the lookout for anything pertaining to the Google AdWords Quality Score. Anyone who reads PPC Hero can attest to the...
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Learn How Google’s Newest Quality Score Update Will Affect Your Accounts
Last Thursday, Google announced their newest round of improvements to the AdWords Quality Score. Yet another line of detail to keep all of us PPC advertisers on our toes! At its simplest form, this Quality Score update removes the “influence...
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More Insights Into The AdWords Quality Score And First Page Bidding Strategy
As you know, we frequently write about the Google Quality Score. We do this because the Quality Score affects the performance of your AdWords campaign, and it is shrouded in mystery (a bad combo). Well, over the past year Google...
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2 Ways You Could Be Killing Your Quality Score Without Knowing It
A lot of times when we get new clients, they already have an existing PPC account they’re managing, but for obvious reasons needed the help of a PPC firm. The first thing I normally like to do when getting these...
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Google Is Reshuffling the AdWords Deck Again: Prepare For Another Quality Score Update
Late last week, Google announced another round of changes for their Quality Score system. Be prepared to say goodbye to “inactive for search” and “minimum bids” with this update. According to Google, the end goal of this change is to...
Avoid the AdWords Quality Score Slap: How to Make Common Changes to Your Account Without Damaging Your Quality Score
This week we’ve been dissecting the Google AdWords Quality Score. Each day we have been pulling back the layers of the ever-expanding Quality Score. Hopefully, all of the information we’ve been providing has been helpful and will allow you enhance...