30 years ago today Michael Jackson’s Thriller Album was released. In honor of the legend, we’re enjoying some MJ tunes in the office today! Michael Jackson’s Thriller »
Audit Your Account With Wordstream’s AdWords Grader
You know you should audit your account, right? Whether it’s a new account you’ve just taken over or one you’ve been managing for years, a comprehensive, holistic analysis can always turn up new insights to help you push your PPC...
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Conversion Rate Optimization with Joanna Lord
Our Next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from Joanna Lord where she talks about conversion rate optimization.
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Hero Conf 2013 Speaker Update
The Hero Conf Speaker list just keeps growing! We’re up to 32 speakers now — stay tuned to see the final 13. Check out the updated speaker list below & don’t forget to register at heroconf.com. The Super Early Bird discount...
Update: Google Impression Share Reporting Changes Live
It’s finally here! As mentioned in a previous news update, Google has been hard at work updating AdWords Impression Share reporting. As of November 7th, that work has finally come to the PPC general public as detailed on the AdWords...
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When Does Quality Score Matter?
When Does Quality Score Matter? A few months ago I wrote a post on why you shouldn’t optimize for Quality Score. A few weeks ago I spoke at SMX East on the best ways to optimize for Quality Score in...
Melissa Mackey On Managing Large Budgets Without Losing Your Mind – Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Our next Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcript is from Melissa Mackey, where she talks about Managing Large Budgets. Don’t forget we will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out...
Pricing On Ads Isn’t Always Premature
In sales, one of the dreaded questions is the “premature” pricing question, where the prospect asks “how much” before the salesperson has adequately “built up value.” Of course, the question is only premature from the point of view of the...
Hero Conf Speakers
Who do you want to see speak? What big brands do you want to hear from at Hero Conf? Do you know someone who you think would be great? Our current speaker list is here. We would love to round out...
Retargeting with Joanna Lord — Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
The Hero Conf 2012 Speaker transcripts are here! We will be posting our transcripts from last year periodically through out the coming months. Feel free to reminisce or check out what you missed!
Continue Reading Retargeting with Joanna Lord — Hero Conf 2012 Transcript
Webinar Recording — Mobile PPC: Proven Strategies & Untapped opportunities
Last week, Hanapin's very own Jeff Allen and Wordstream's Larry Kim broke down Mobile PPC for us. We covered everything from how to optimize landing pages to bad examples of Mobile PPC. We also had quite an informative Q &...
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Hero Conf 2013 Contest — Tweet To Win!
Excited for Hero Conf 2013? So are we! So excited in fact, that we're giving away discounts! We want to help you get to the conference and your creativity might just help you get there! We’re offering a $100 off coupon...