The older generations with their dial-up and floppy disks have shifted to digital natives, hopping from one social media platform to the next. Consumer choices are abundant, but trust and attention spans are lower than ever. Consumers just don’t consume...
5 Crucial Considerations for YouTube Advertising in 2024
With users and daily views in the billions, YouTube is a video platform to rival any streaming service. This also makes it one of Google’s most lucrative sources of ad inventory. YouTube advertising recorded $8.66 billion in revenue in just...
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Why Advertisers Need to Take the Leap On YouTube’s 3-Pronged Approach
Imagine upgrading from a dial-up to fiber optic internet. It opens up an exponential surge of capability and reach. This is exactly what YouTube’s advertising growth has looked like over the last 12-18 months. The results have been fascinating to...
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How to Capture Your YouTube Ads Audience in 5 Seconds
You could have the best product in the world, but if your ideal customers don’t know it exists, you’re just spinning your wheels. YouTube ads are a great way to get your video content in front of your audience –...
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YouTube Placement Targeting: Low Risk, High Reward YouTube Ads
Do you want to introduce your client to YouTube ads but thought it was too high risk? Have you thought about diversifying your marketing channels and want to know how to launch on YouTube with minimal risk? You’re not alone....
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How to Create Video Marketing That Converts
A high-performing video marketing strategy should be more than going viral. It’s crucial to make viewers take action. See how to create video marketing that converts.
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Testing the Power of the YouTube Lead Form Extension
YouTube remains a strong platform and the lead form extensions make it all the more accessible. These are the exciting results of my recent lead form test.
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Keywords & YouTube – All You Need to Know
If you want people to find your video content, you need the right keywords. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Well, the key is knowing which keywords are the right ones for you, where to find them, and how to...
Video as a Non-Negotiable for Digital Marketing
Videos are everywhere. And as digital marketers, the need to know what kind of video to make for which platform is never-ending.
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4 Best YouTube Retargeting Strategies that Work in 2021
90% of people discover new products and brands on YouTube. It's the 2nd largest social network with over 2 billion users and 1 billion hours of daily viewing.
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Top-of-Funnel YouTube Audiences for B2B
For B2B advertisers looking to grow top-of-funnel reach, this blog discusses examples of B2B, top-of-funnel audiences to test on YouTube.
The Guide To Google Ads’ Reach Planner
In this post, we dive into the latest version of Google Ads' Reach Planner as if we had never used it before and were creating a brand new media plan.