Before you hit that register button for Hero Conf Austin this year, you probably have thought about the exciting (or terrifying) prospect of mingling with strangers for two days straight. Maybe you’re new to Austin and traveling alone. Maybe you just need someone to start geeking out with about the latest PPC update first, so you can bond over your undeniable passion for the craft. Maybe, there is a (very high) probability that you’ll find your own #PPCTribe right on Day 1.
Let us show you three awesome experiences from which you can get to know your fellow PPC Heroes and find ones who will become part of the best two days you’ll experience so far in 2020.
Compete in a hula-hooping competition at Day 1’s Bar Takeover
You might have had a beer in the comfort of your home, or at a lousy college party way back when. Now, as part of this sophisticated event that you’ve been waiting for all year, you can have a beer in a shipping container! Better yet, seven colorful containers, stacked on one another, adorned with stylish mismatched décor and open space for music and casual hangouts. This year, Hero Conf is bringing you to Container Bar, one of Austin’s most popular must-visit establishments. After a Day 1 full of knowledge and getting exactly what you sign up for, grab a drink with a fellow PPC Hero, and challenge them to a mini hula-hooping competition (or other yard game) or just chill in one of Container Bar’s aesthetic spaces. Thank us later.

Network for swag bucks
What are swag bucks?? They are a made-up form of currency, like Monopoly money, with which you can “buy” the Hero Conf swag that you want from the Swag Shop. (We coined that term. Don’t steal it.)
Throughout the conference, you can earn more swag bucks by visiting sponsor booths to learn more about their impact in the industry or by showing up to networking events and meeting your fellow digital marketers. Then, once you have saved up some swag bucks, you exchange them for the swag of your choice at the Swag Shop. Not only do you get to take home swag that you actually want, but it helps us cut back on wasted swag!

Make your way into a PPC Hero’s heart with…
… Food! Our menu promises nothing but DELICIOUSNESS. In years past, we’ve had a sizzling hot buffet that accommodates all dietary preferences, an assortment of sweet and salty snacks, and LOTS of coffee and tea to fuel two full days of brainstorms and learning, only for you and your hungry Hero colleagues.

Grab your ticket before it’s too late!