Access, Welfare & Inclusion

We want to make sure that everyone is able to get the most of Hero Conf so we’ve compiled some information about the accessibility features of our events and conference venue.

We hope that our work on making the conference accessible and inclusive means that many of your needs will already be provided for but if there is anything you’d like to check or request please do get in touch via

Our conference venue

The Manchester Grand Hyatt has excellent accessibility standards.

Getting around

There are stairs and lifts available.

If you’d benefit from a chance to find your way around the venue before we open the doors to everyone just email and we’ll schedule a tour for you.

There is seating dotted around the venue.

Watching & listening to talks

All talks are amplified.

Each room has screens showing the speaker’s slides behind them on a large screen and repeated on smaller screens throughout the room.

We have a number of priority seats reserved near the entrances and exits of the rooms so do use them if you need to. We also have spaces for wheelchair users.

Our friendly stage managers can help you find a suitable seat if you arrive before the talks start. They’ll usually be based at the front of the room or the AV desk but a member of staff should be able to help you find them.

The venue can get busy

With lots of people at the conference some of the rooms and spaces can get busy.

We will have a quiet room available if you need somewhere calm to sit, you can ask for directions at the registration point.

You can also easily exit the building and be on the boardwalk for some quiet time.

If you want to wear earplugs, headphones or whatever you need that’s absolutely fine with us. 

There are talks happening simulataneously in multiple rooms during the conference. You can use our schedule to plan your visit and think about which talks you want to see. We generally encourage people to move around between rooms during the breaks rather than between each individual talk but if you need to leave the room early that’s absolutely fine.

There can be queues for popular sessions and sometimes we have to limit the number of people in each room. To make sure you get in and seated, it’s best to go to the room in the break before the session. If getting there quickly or waiting in queues is a problem then please come and talk to our staff at the registration desk or email

Assistance on the day

If you require assistance or information on the day then please come along to the Friends Desk or ask a member of staff.

Help with the unexpected

Hopefully everything will be fine and dandy but we’re aware that the unexpected can happen, and you might find yourself in need of some friendly local help during the event, particularly for those of you travelling long distances to be with us.

If you need non-urgent assistance you can email at any time.

In an emergency where the welfare of yourself or others is threatened, your first call should still be the emergency services on 911.

Information sources

Most of the general information you might need about Hero Conf should should be available on our website.

If you need help on the day, you could head towards our Info desk staffed with people from our team.

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