Terms & conditions

These terms and conditions apply to any booking to attend our events.

Our UK events are organised and managed by RoughAgenda Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 7917764.

Our US events are organised and managed by Rough Agenda USA Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 14561660.

The registered address for both companies is Preston Park House, South Road, Brighton, East Sussex, England, BN1 6SB,

References to “us” means RoughAgenda Ltd or Rough Agenda US Ltd and references to “we” and “our” shall be construed accordingly. Reference to “you” means the company completing a booking request and/or the ticket holder (attendee) and references to “your” shall be construed accordingly.

All applications to register for the event, and all orders to purchase tickets, are made subject to these terms & conditions (which shall apply to the exclusion of any terms you attempt to incorporate into our agreement with you).


All applications to register for the event are subject to availability and full payment being received by us.

Enrolment is only guaranteed upon payment (applicable to paid tickets) in full and receipt of a completed registration/enrollment form via our booking site, ti.to (applicable to all tickets).

Prices and payment

The prices for attending the event are set out on the relevant registration booking form or on our website. You may also obtain prices from us on request. Prices may be subject to change from time to time entirely at the organisers’ discretion.

If you apply to register for the event less than two weeks before the date of the event we will only accept payment by a credit card, unless we expressly agree otherwise in writing.

We reserve the right to cancel your booking at any time and refuse entry if full payment has not been received.

Payments by invoice must be received and a receipt issued by Rough Agenda to guarantee a place in the event.

The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002 apply to all late payments.

Changes to the event and cancellations

All advertised speakers and trainers are promoted in good faith, but we reserve the right to vary the speakers, trainers, or agenda without prior notice.

If for any reason the organiser needs to reschedule the event, the ticket will be transferred to a future edition of the conference, which could be physical or virtual. You are also able to transfer the ticket to a friend or colleague.

If you would like to make a cancellation in respect of a booking, no refunds will be given except as set out below:

You should email cancellation requests to hey@roughagenda.com clearly identifying the event, the number of delegates, and the delegate names. If we receive a valid cancellation email:

  • within seven (7) days of confirmed booking, a full refund will be issued;
  • no refunds will be given for any bookings made in the 14 days immediately prior to the event for which the ticket was purchased
  • no refunds will be given if requested more than 7 days after the original booking
  • no refunds will be given for attendees who attend the wrong day of the event.

We shall not be liable to you for travel, accommodation or other costs and expenses incurred (included wasted costs and expenses) if we are required to cancel or relocate the event as a result of an event outside our reasonable control (including, without limitation, to acts of God, floods, lightning, storm, fire, explosion, war, military operations, acts or threats of terrorism, strike action, lock-outs or other industrial action or a pandemic, epidemic or other widespread illness).

Transfer of tickets

Rough Agenda tickets are fully transferable.

You have the right to gift or sell a ticket for equal or lesser value than the original purchase so long as adequate notice (minimum of 2 weeks) is provided to us with registration details of the new attendee. These details include full name, job title, company, and email address.


As an Attendee you acknowledge that Rough Agenda has made no representations or guarantees other than those expressed in this document. We specifically disclaim any other representations or warranties related to the Conference, including anything asserted or claimed by any speaker or exhibitor.

Code of conduct and data privacy policy

In purchasing a ticket to our event, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct and also that we may process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.

Delivery policy

You will receive a confirmation email once you have purchased or booked your ticket(s) via our ticketing platform, ti. to. You need to make sure you enter your address and email address accurately as this is where we send your entry badge.

All delegates will be sent a PDF version of their badge to print at home and will be able to collect their lanyard and badge holders at the event. If for some reason you do not receive yours, you will be able to print your badge at the event by showing your confirmation email with your badge number or by confirming your name.

Rough Agenda accepts no responsibility for badges which aren’t delivered ahead of the event, or any disruption caused by delays or time lost spent collecting badges on the day.

Marketing, privacy and publicity

By registering for Rough Agenda’s events, you permit us to use your name in customer lists and other publicity related to the event, including interviews, case studies, and conference discussions.

By registering for this Event, you agree you will be contacted by the organisers with marketing materials associated with the event and also sponsors of the event by email, post, text message and phone. You also agree for a profile to be created in your name in the event app.

You hereby waive any rights of privacy and publicity in connection with any Rough Agenda photographs, films and video tapes that have been taken of you or in which you may be included with others during the event.

Our cookie policy outlines how cookies are used on our website.

Oversubscribed session

All of the sessions at brightonSEO are first come, first served. A number of the spaces used by the conferences have maximum capacities, this means you may not be able to watch all of the talks if this capacity is reached.

If your ticket includes priority seating, it only provides access to the reserved seating, it does not guarantee access to sessions.

Photography and videoing

Please note that photographs and video footage will be taken throughout the Event and all associated events over the Event period. Materials commissioned by Rough Agenda will be used for marketing and publicity, on our website and in social media or in third party publications. If you don’t wish your image to be used, then please let us know and we’ll do our best to ensure we do not use any material in which you appear. If you’ve spotted something which is already in use then please let us know: hey@roughagenda.com.

If you are planning on photographing or filming at the Event, you will need to request permission by informing us of the anticipated timings and location of activities, set up and equipment specification, and intended use of the material. Email tom@roughagenda.com.

You may be asked to provide evidence of an adequate risk assessment and insurance documentation for your planned activities, and Rough Agenda reserve the right to request cessation of any photography or filming activities, at our discretion. Any activities which are proving to be a disruption or distraction to the event programme, overly invasive for delegates, or which are presenting a health and safety concern will be halted.

Badge scanning and data

By allowing your badge to be scanned by an exhibitor or sponsor at the Event, you understand that you will be providing them with your personal data. This gives your consent to this personal data being used to contact you about their products or services. Also, your data may be held and used by the organiser, Rough Agenda, in order to run the event and for analysing visitor traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors.

Admissions policy

Rough Agenda reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any delegate deemed to be behaving in an unacceptable manner. We do not tolerate any form of unsociable or unacceptable behaviour, and will act upon any behaviour reported to us. All attendees and sponsors of the event must follow the Code of conduct.

In the unlikely event of a threatening or inappropriate situation occurring at our events, we request that the attendee bring any issues to the attention of the organisers as soon as possible. Within reason we will do our utmost to investigate, take action and resolve the situation, in the best interest of all parties.

Hotel bookings

Rough Agenda will receive a $10 rebate per room night booked at the Manchester Grand Hyatt under the group rate.

If you book a hotel stay via our online ticket platform your hotel booking details will be passed on to the Manchester Grand Hyatt and will be subject to their terms and conditions.

We charge a small handling fee to cover the additional costs for us to process your booking (this is not charged if you book directly with the hotel using the link on our website). Cancellations of bookings made via Rough Agenda will be subject to an additional $50 processing fee. Name changes or other changes cannot be made after the date specified at time of booking. Cancellations made after this date are non-refundable.

Catering passes

If you order a catering pass your details will be passed to the Manchester Grand Hyatt and will be subject to their terms and conditions.

Cancellations of bookings made via Rough Agenda will be subject to an additional $50 processing fee.

Dietary requirements, or other changes cannot be made after the date specified during booking. Cancellations made after this date are non-refundable.

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UK & US ticket prices rise on 27th March Book your ticket today