The page views have spoken! Below we have gathered PPC Hero’s most visited, and hopefully most valuable articles from November. Whether you’re a new or long-time subscriber, you may have missed these insightful and helpful PPC management tips. Enjoy!
One of our newest resident PPC experts, Jeff, hits the top with his post, Google Bottom Ad Placements Eroding CTR. Jeff explores how Google has added a new placement for paid search ads at the bottom of the SERPs and how it has affected click-through rate for our accounts. Even though this just started recently, the changes are already drastic. Find out Jeff’s theory on why Google might place your ad at the bottom and what the current trend is!
If you could ask Google Analytics 4 questions, what would they be? Jeff knows and asks his post 4 Questions to Ask Your Google Analytics. Sometimes Analytics can be a very scary tool because there is an overwhelming amount of data in there! I liken it to the Great Oz in a way. But we all know that the “man behind the curtain” was not so scary and in fact, very helpful! So read Jeff’s post, log into your Analytics account and figure out the following:
Well, what are you waiting for!?
We have waited a long time for this one… and it’s finally here! Yes, my friends, the adCenter User Interface has been UPDATED! For PPC managers everywhere, this is as exciting as the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series to a die hard fan. Dave is our Bing Guru here at Hanapin Marketing and was quick to post The Complete Guide to adCenter’s New & Improved User Interface. There are now tabs to navigate to different levels of your account quicker as well as advanced filter options. After all the heartache we have been through with the old interface, we are glad that Bing could finally mend our hearts! Don’t miss this article outlining all of the awesome new features of the UI!
There you have the top three posts for November. It was a jam packed month of great PPC tips. So snuggle up with your laptop and a cup of hot chocolate by a roaring fire and read PPC Hero. Also, don’t forget to check out our December series on Fully Utilizing All AdWords’ Ad Extensions in Just 5 Days! Happy holidays!