Beyond Google is another display tactic worth testing - Yahoo Gemini.
Easy Ways To Measure The Value of Branded Campaigns
Using Google Analytics and Adwords data this post goes into detail using a client as an example of how to successfully measure the value of brand campaigns.
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Secrets To Clever And Efficient PPC Campaign Build Outs In Excel – New Whitepaper!
One of the most important things in a Google AdWords account is structure. It is incredible what a simple, clean structure can do for an account. A clean structure can help you with reporting, optimizing, quality scores, and build outs....
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Expect Growth With Yahoo Stream Ads
Account managers are excited about growth opportunities for the new year, especially with Yahoo Stream Ads
How To Find Out If It’s Seasonality Or Something Else
In many industries seasonality is a harsh truth— not something to be avoided, but rather something to be accounted for.
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Are Long Tailed Keywords The Answer to Keyword Optimization?
Long tailed keywords do not always perform as they are expected, but are regarded as an important part of the keyword optimization process.
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A Step-By-Step Introduction to Amazon Product Ads
Learn how you can begin testing Amazon Product Ads!
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5 Easy Ways to Customize AdWords Scripts
Find AdWords Scripts a bit scary? The truth is any computer savvy person can edit and customize AdWords Scripts. Not a coder? Not a problem. Most scripts are very detailed and vetted by loads of users, but sometimes you need...
Showcase PPC’s Holistic Value With AdWords New Store Visits Metric
32% of offline consumers say that location-based search ads have led them to visit a store. AdWords new Store Visits now let us optimize PPC holistically.
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Boomerang Conversions: Nurture Leads & Gain Repeat Customers With PPC
Remarketing to converting users is a great opportunity to nurture leads into sales, and create lifetime customers for ecommerce accounts.
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Average Conversion Rate: What’s Average, Anyway?
What conversion rate should you be realistically shooting for and is it a good one? This question is so difficult because it’s so entirely relative.
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10 Key Traits Found In The Perfect PPC Account Manager
When paid search first hit the scene in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, businesses had a very narrow view of what they expected from PPC professionals. They were considered ‘back office’, much in the same vane as programmers and...
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